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Automatic Melee Weapon


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I'm trying to make a weapon that will simulate punching really fast like on "Fist of the North Star".


Attempt 1:

First I tried making a weapon by enabling the weapon flag: "Automatic", this overrides the power attacks that melee weapons do and you're stuck in an animation loop but without doing damage, the animation stops at random even without you holding down the button.


Attempt 2:

So then I changed the animation to "attack loop" and now it actually attacks, but it looks like the character is holding an invisible gun and shooting nonstop. (also, attack rate does not affect it, it shoots at about 50 or so attacks a second so you can imagine the noise)


So my question is: has anyone tried to do this before? it doesn't seem to work correctly no matter what I do. I'm also trying to increase the range on melee attacks, but "Range" doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Edited by khalirei
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Your basic problem I don't know how to help with, but the 'Range' box in the weapon form editor is actually an AI helper. It tells the AI that between this and that distance from its target this weapon is a valid choice. It has no actual impact on the weapon behavior. You could try bumping the reach, instead.
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