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Creating a Family


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Is it possible to make a mod where you can have kids etc, (as there are children already in the game, and possibly use the baby model from fo3)

and they can grow older, like three or four stages, Baby, Kid, teen, adult. Using the models such as the baby in FO3 kids like the legion ones, and a adult scaled down for teens and just adults for the last?


Would be cool.

Edited by SilverLyric
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Yes it is 100% possible.

You could simulate them growing up but there would not be a lot you could do with a baby ie could not pick up/ feed etc.

You would need a home that you could edit to add to like markers for playing and daily packages.


Yes you could have them follow you (but keep in mind the game engine by default does not like the player having kids as companions so everything would have to be scripted OR you would have to use a mod like Children of the Wasteland NV - Enhanced Playable Children

The only limit set by the game on followers is if the companion uses the SetPlayerTeammate command. If the NPC just used a Follow package and was set to the player Faction (would joint in battle) there would be NO limit on the amount of followers.

Edited by Capt Mitch
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