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Mashup armor and body visible in CK, invisible ingame


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I know this problem is a recurrent topic but I haven't found an answer that helps me.


I've been playing around with textures for a while and attempted to create a mashup today for the first time. I only used NifSkope and Gimp, as shown in this short tutorial :


Part one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf3qDPfBr1E

Part two : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFDsgXzCrHU


I didn't do exactly what is told in the beginning of the video. I wasn't able to rename the original 0 NiNodes to "Scene Root". For whatever reason, when I double-click on the names, a 0 appears and I can't type anything else than a value as shown in the first screenshot :




So I selected the BSTriShapes I wanted and copy-pasted them from one armor to the other. To do so, I also had to copy-paste a NiNode because copying-pasting was impossible without that NiNode.


I then proceeded as in the tutorial : I created/changed NiAlphaProterty (-ies) so they all got the same as in the second screenshot. I edited textures to match what I was aiming for, saved my mashup.nif and tested it in CK. So far, so good as can be seen in the third screenshot.



However, when I lunch the game, my armor is invisible as well as the body of my character (only the head, feet and hands are visible).


I use UNP body (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699) and tried to disable it to see if that would change something, but armor and body were still invisible.


I have to mention that I am a complete noob with NifSkope and to everything that has to do with mesh editing. I try to educate myself but how NifSkope and skeletons work is still very unclear to me.


Thanks to anyone who will help.

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I usually do mashup armours using Outfit Studio (included in Bodyslide). Just load up the main armour in OS, then drag and drop the other bits and bobs into it as well. You will see all the armor parts in the right panel. Delete all the ones you don't want. Export to nif after you are done.


Next load the mashup in Nifscope and check all the BSdismemberskininstance properties (body slot). You can change the body slots if desired. Sometimes armour parts won't have this property and that's OK. Remember to save if you've made any changes.


Finally, use the CK to make new armour addon and armour. All the body slots have to be assigned correctly, else you have what happened in your case. You can assign any body slot for the armour parts without the BSdismemberskininstances property.


That's basically it!


Happy modding.

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