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F88 Steyr A1 mk3


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I've only seen one mod that includes ANY variants of the Steyr... The 'Weapons from previous fallout games' one (forget its actual name). Has one... But I don't want to have to get the whole pack for just one gun... I don't think it comes with any mods either, which is also a big negative...


SO basically, my request is for someone who knows what they are doing to create a stand-alone Steyr mod, using the one in the above-mentioned mod as a base and adding some mod options. A laser sight would be one, a scope to replace the iron-sights (I'd preferably like to see two scope options, 1: A pistol grade 'light combat' scope (1.5x), 2: A 'special operations' scope with Night-Vision (at least 2x, maybe 3x), obviously only one would be usable at once)would be a second, and a 'modified gas system' (improves durability) as a third. A The end result should be able to look something like This (standard scope) or This (spec-ops "ACOG" scope + laser)


Please note that the Australian F88 Steyr variants primarily use the 506mm length barrel, not the shorter carbine/smg version barrels (though such variants exist as vehicle-crew weapons and the like).


Admittedly, the use of Australian Army images is far from accidental, having served with the Australian Army myself... That is why I love the Steyr (as a firearm), and am so desperate to see it in-game...



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