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Sorry for the total NOOB question here; but I have not found an A - Z post on how to use the wonderful tool, Modpatcher.


I gather that you need to take and drop ModPatcher.exe in the following directory




Then you also have to have a file in the same directory called: DefaultGameCore.mod



Does one just have to open DefaultGameCore.ini in notepad ++, make a few changes, and then save that file as DefaultGameCore.mod?


Do you then run ModPatcher.exe ....and you are good to go???



Once again, sorry for the NOOB question, but I thought that others might have the same question and I will take the bullet for all the other NOOBS out there.


Thank you for your time and wonderful tool.

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Thankyou both for the quick replies. I felt that a new topic should be posted because trying to read through 10+ pages of posts can be a bit time consuming.


The purpose of this post is to give quick and easy reference for a beginner to MOD XCOM Enemy Unknown through the use of the Modpatcher.


Dreadylein's comment above is correct and this is just a confirmation of how you can begin modding XCOM Enemy Unknown.



I started by downloading and following the instructions in the UFO Rebalance MOD (by Asuzu). The install instructions are easy to follow. (Great MOD.... Arc Thrower as a pistol + much more)


UFO Rebalance MOD


To further mod the game, follow these steps.


Copy DefaultGameCore.mod (this is a file provided by the UFO Rebalance MOD) to a backup location

Rename DefaultGameCore.mod to DefaultGameCore.ini (with Windows Explorer)

Open DefaultGameCore.ini with NotePad

.... Make whatever changes you wish......

Save DefaultGameCore.ini

Rename DefaultGameCore.ini to DefaultGameCore.mod (with Windows Explorer)

Copy DefaultGameCore.mod back into...... Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Xcom-Enemy-Unknown\Binaries\Win32

Run Modpatcher.exe (this file was placed in the ...\Binaries\Win32 folder in the UFO Rebalance installation)


Play the game and enjoy your changes.... Must be in OffLine mode. I hope that this helps those beginners out there.

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