Mishaxhi Posted November 7, 2012 Share Posted November 7, 2012 (edited) If you've ever worked with NPCs, you probably know that you can assign idle animation during dialog, packages, any time you want really.Problem is there's too damn many and they aren't kept in any kind of order. Here's a list I've been assembling over the past... while. Contains most of what I'd consider "desirable" idles. Most regular dialog ones are emitted (that play when you select use emotion animation), though some are included, ones that I like to trigger on demand. Be warned, not all of these will work in every given situation. During dialog is the most problematic. You've just gotta experiment. Luckily, assigning bad idles doesn't break anything. Also, add your own if you have em. ---------------- HeadUpGreet - casual "sup" kinda head nod | DIALOGDanceMaleFidget04 - posings, flexing biceps | DIALOGPushUps01 - performs six push ups | DIALOGNVDrunkWallLeanA - inebriated, holding self up on wall | DIALOGPanicGrenadePlant - panics and pats self down3rdPSpecialIdleStimpak - uses a stimpak | COMBATLoosePickUpGroundObject - picks object up off the floorttpColAutumTalkB - point at playerttpColAutumHandBehindTalk - hands clasped behind backttnpcHappyArmsLooseListenA - shakes arms whilst nodding, like gearing up for a fight | DIALOGCowerIdles - cowers on the groundNVNPCDrunWalk - drunk staggering walk | DIALOG2hLoiter - stand with two handed weapon drawn, looking around2hLoiterOneHanded - same as above, weapon help up against shoulder2hShiftWeight - loosen up whilst standing with 2h weapon2hCrouch - slowly enters crouch with 2h weapon equipped2hAlertScan - looks around with 2h weapon equippedNPCSmokingIdle - smokes | DIALOGSwatting - swats bug on back of neck | DIALOGPickingNose - scratches nose with left hand | DIALOGPickingNose02 - wipes nose with right arm | DIALOGBitingNails - casually bites nails on left hand | DIALOGScratchingSelf - scratches left leg | DIALOGScratchingSelf02 - brushes off right shoulder | DIALOGDLCPIttHarassSlavec - "move, move!" gesture wih right armDLCPittHarassSlaveb - left hand on hip, giving orders with right handDLCPittHarassSlavea - berating someone whilst holding a 2h weaponLooseTalkHeadNotNeutral - casual nod | DIALOGLooseTalkHeadShakeNeutral - casually shakes head | DIALOGLooseTalkHeadShakeSad - looks at floor and shakes head | DIALOGLooseMTClanandPoint - clasps hands and points, sort of "you the man!" kind of way | DIALOGLooseDefensiveIdleA - "no no no..." motion with hands | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleA230 - raises hands whilst talking | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleC285 - looks at ground whilst explaining something | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleD094 - confidently talking, shifts weight whilst raising arms | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleE107 - sweeping motion with left arm, "everyone here!" or "alla this crap!" | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleF038 - same as above, sweeps the other way | DIALOGLooseTalkBHPreachIdleH203 - shifts weight and raises arms high | DIALOGLooseStandingMourning - head down, hands clasped, hunched over | DIALOGLooseCheeringOneArmUp - punches air with right fistLooseCheeringClapping - claps and cheers with right arm raisedLooseCheering2HA - same as above but with 2h weapon equippedLooseSalute - full military salute | DIALOGLooseLaughAndPoint - points and laughs whilst holding stomachLooseBeckoningToChildB - leaning over, talking to a child, or maybe a dogLooseWildAnryAtSomeone - gestruing heavily with hands wilst shaking headLooseThumbPointRight - lazily point to the right with right arm | DIALOGLooseReadPaperOnHandA - reads something held in right handLoosePointingAlert - points forward with left arm | DIALOGLoosettpAskForHelpA - desperately asking for help | DIALOGLooseCallForHelpA - beckons with left arm and waves, "get over here!"LooseScaredListenA - arms crossed, legs buckled, childlike scared posedMS11ShieldsEyes - shields eyes with left armMS03TourGuide04 - gestures at object to left with both armsMS05TourGuide03 - same as above, more pezazMS05TourGuide02 - gestures at object ti right with both armsMS04TourGuide01 - alt to aboveLoose2HATalkAngry - talk aggresively whilst holding 2h weaponLooseGenuineLaughter - light laugh | DIALOGLooseJollyLaugh - heavier laugh | DIALOGLooseHandsUpNoHarm - "i don't want no trabble!"LooseLazySalute - lazy salute, doesn't stand to attention | DIALOGLooseGesturePointBehind - points behind self with left arm | DIALOGLooseFingerUp - "one last chance" or "i'm number one!" | DIALOGLooseLookingAround - scans surroundings | DIALOGLoosePointAtSelf - casually points at self with right arm | DIALOGLooseFingerToLips - shhhhh | DIALOGLooseShoulderShrug - kinda like, "ugghhh", looks at floor, not a casual "i dunno" shrug | DIALOGLooseHandUpStop - Halt! | DIALOGLooseWaveHello - lazy wave with right hand, rather feminineLooseHandsOnHeart - both hands to heart, feminineLooseMiddleFinger - FU | DIALOGLooseOneHandUp - looking for a high five | DIALOGLooseWaveHelloShort - single wave, looks more like a goodbyeLooseShoutA - hands around mouth, as if shouting to someone far awayLooseCryingStandingA - crying, rather dramaticallyLooseCryingStandingB - same as above, not as dramaticMS2GreatJobKid - cocks 2h weapon three times, gives a thumbs upLooseNPCGiving - right arm, takes item from back pocket, gives it to someone | DIALOGLooseNPCTaking - swipes item with right arm | DIALOGLooseSneezing - bless you | DIALOGLooseTalkRHPontDown - points at ground, like, "you're out of line!" or "this is the place."NVOpeningThug02Idle - wide stance, weapon in right hand. dramatic cowboy-esque poseNVDieingSoldier - on floor in pain, holding stomachNVWildAngryC - agressive gesturing, most dramatic angry idle Edited November 8, 2012 by Mishaxhi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptMitch Posted November 7, 2012 Share Posted November 7, 2012 Good list! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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