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DX 10-11 function perfectly, DX 9 doesn't

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I recently purchased a new PC with a FX-8120 CPU and an AMD Radeon HD 6850 GPU, 8GB of RAM.



It ran everything fine for a while, but after a while of running this machine, frame rates started to lower on some games. Skyrim was the first I noticed, it loads with a frame rate of less than 10, so it's completely unplayable. I thought the graphics were too much for a little, but then I turned the graphics down, and it was the same. I tried playing other games too, like Resident Evil 4 and both the Dx 9 and Dx 10 versions of Resident Evil 5. RE4 had the same problem as Skyrim, frame rates dropping at an extreme level, RE5 Dx 9 took ages to even load, but RE5 Dx 10 ran perfectly. I checked temps, and nothing was running hot, in fact everything barely even moved up in temperature at all. I've run a DxDiag (attached) and there was no problems found as well. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Direct x multiple times in an effort to fix this, but to no avail.


I've recently updated my BIOS, and my GPU drivers, but the new driver says it should have Dx 9 support. Do I have to change settings or something on my driver to "activate" the DX 9 support? This is a big inconvenience since a lot of games still use Dx 9.0c, especially most of the ones I have at the moment.



Please respond if you know of a fix. Thank you

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The drivers installed are 12.11b, but the problem existed before the update.


I ran MSI Afterburner while running Oblivion ( still at a dragging frame rate) and at one point the usage jumped up to 74%, but other than that it stayed below 50%, everything else had minimal change.


I ran MSI Kombustor as well and the results were:


Direct3D 9- 2663 points, FPS: 44 (60000 ms) (Afterburner had (98% usage and all clocks jumped up to 775).


I tried to search for information as to what a good score would be, but found nothing so I'm not sure if the score above is good or not.

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I tried a manual install, defrag, and even rolled back my drivers (just in case there was an issue with the new driver.) But still nothing. I know that DX 9 can work on my computer because it did at first, in fact it ran Skyrim on Ultra with Skyrim HD texture pack installed at above 60 fps, but it just suddenly stopped. I want to say it was after I updated my BIOS, but I don't see how that could be a cause. I'm considering just reformatting my system since at close to factory settings it did work.
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Rom files for the Bios are Chip specific you did install the right one for the Chip didnt you ?

i had similar fun with an Asus a later bios update added support for phenom II chips to its compat list but ran like C@@p


also chipset driver packages need updating too go to the manufacturers site and see whats there .


your drive controller may also be hurting as a result check out that puppy too .

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I did a complete factory reset and the problem still exists, so I'm think it's a hardware defect. Luckily this computer is still under warranty but now I just have to pinpoint the source of the error. Are there any programs that do a full diagnosis of your system for free?
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