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Trainer mods


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This is my first forum/topic/online discussion ever ok :$



I would really love a mod that adds trainers similar to Angi ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Angi )

For those that don't know angi, she is a trainer south of falkreath who raises your archery level by one, for shooting targets she has set up, a maximum of six times. The task gets harder each time which is easier to do for archery.



-one and two handed

If someone could make a dummie (sand bag guys on sticks) that has block animations add a trainer that asks you to at first hit the dolls stomach, next head, third time is side step power, 4 is a combination of a few attacks would be



same concept with the dummie except swinging animations as well as bow/crossbow *optional* block attack, block right before attack lands, bash during power, sort through 10 attacks (reg=block, power=bash), go through 10 FAST attacks




could be obstacle course?? the heavy armor could include a large drop towards the end (not large enough to kill even without the perk)


if any body is interested i would be willing to contribute in any way, I have no experience with modding but would be willing to attempt learning


Thank you for reading ill check this post every other day when possible

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