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Not Full Screen, YES I checked the inis


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Hi. I've scoured the internet and can't find a fix.


Finally delving into SSE after years of LE and I can't launch in full screen from Mod Organizer. I edited skyrimprefs.ini per the countless threads about that -- including adding my screen resolution. No matter what I try, the game launches a little to the right and with a title bar at the top (see attachment; cropped but it shows the top right). I checked for multiple copies and multiple profiles. I have only installed skse64, acquisitive soul gems, and the vivid map; but I am 100% sure the problem existed before I installed any of those.


Currently I have this (in both INIs for good measure):



bFull Screen=1

iSize H=1080

iSize W=1920


But I have tried this also and it made no difference:



bFull Screen=1

iSize H=1080

iSize W=1920


Also tried with both zeros just to see what would happen. Nothing makes any difference.



Just about to abandon hope. Suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

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