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Coastal Defense Gun turret


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I was wondering if anyone could build a mortar skin from the South Dakota class battleship gun turret.

I think it would be awesome to see a 16" gun turret on the coast pointed at the Prydwen.



I was trying to port the entire USS Massachusetts (BB59) into FO4 from World Of Warships because she was built in Quincy. But WOWS has no local files. so that sucks.

The gun turret is the gunhouse and the three gun barrels.



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That part unfortunately is beyond my skills. I know there are people who can put obj files into Skyrim SE, so I would imagine they could do the same for FO4. You might hit the FO4 creation kit and modders forum, right below this one, and see if there is a guide. I suspect it's going to involve nifskope (free) and something to bridge the gap between an obj file and a nif file. You used to be able to import with nifskope, but they disabled that on the newer versions. I think Skyrim SE modders use outfit studio for armors and stuff, but I don't know about something like a ship.


Something like this may help.

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i was able to put the gun turret into nifskope but something went crazy before i could get it to the CK. But I've learned a lot about the process, and I'm gonna continue messing around with the program. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

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Love the idea, it would be much better to use warship canon instead of the mortar from the MM, also if it could be use as a standalone for any fonction it could be cool. Maybe put some document and receips in Quincy etc.

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Something to consider. I've never played FO4, so I don't know exactly what areas are covered in the game, but the Massachusetts is currently a museum ship in Fall River, Mass., in Battleship Cove, along with several other ships. Among them are I believe the Lionfish sumarine, and the Destroyer Kennedy (Sumner or Gearing Class, idr which.)

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