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Make the final boss of Dawnguard harder


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So fighting Lord Harkon at the end of the Dawnguard questline is kinda disappointing, especially when you use mods like Deadly Dragons. He doesn't take much more than a few hits to bring down, and the fight becomes really anticlimactic.


Does anyone think they might be able to improve the final fight against Harkon? I've seen a few mods that do such a thing for Alduin, so it shouldn't be impossible to do the same for the Vampire Lord.

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Specifically, what do you want improved on him? The vanilla AI scales with the character's level just so you know. (I know, I had spawned a level 999 wolf, and as he got down in health, he was insanely more cautious around me. Unlike a level 10~30 normal wolf.)
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"especially when you use mods like Deadly Dragons."

With that do you mean Deadly dragon armor and spell packs?

If so, I'd recommend you to give up those and start use other armors, weapons and spells.

I've seen the stats and damages of those items, and those are insane. As those were probably planned for fighting those 3-4 dragons at time.

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"especially when you use mods like Deadly Dragons."

With that do you mean Deadly dragon armor and spell packs?

If so, I'd recommend you to give up those and start use other armors, weapons and spells.

I've seen the stats and damages of those items, and those are insane. As those were probably planned for fighting those 3-4 dragons at time.

I actually don't use DD armory stuff that often besides Skyrage (chain lightning swords FTW), and the spell packs are tolerable in strength, IMO. Also, I tend to use the DD configuration to jack up the stats of my enemies, and also use a difficulty modifier that, on Master difficulty, makes me take insanely high amounts of damage (but I deal normal damage). I use a LOT of different mods, and some cause my characters to be uber OP, but in the end, it's all about how much fun I want to have.


DD's config doesn't seem to affect Harkon, and last time I faced him, he just died so freaking fast. It was really disappointing because of how the fight is scripted.


So in particular, I'd at least like to see Harkon get a big durability boost, and for his attacks to be absolutely devastating. The scripts of the fight are fine; I'd just prefer it if he were harder to kill and could kill me more easily.

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click him, and type getlevel in the dev console; if it's anything below 81, then DD's is overly powerful for it. Rectify this by typing in setlevel <level>. If you decide to make him even harder than vanilla Skyrim cap, be sure to add an attackdamagemult right after you set his new level. it may take up to a whole minute before his statistics change in-game.


otherwise, simple CK edits should do the trick.

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it should work though. I just went through bleak falls barrow as level 100 with tgm, on, the draugr were indeed level 100 (use getlevel when you have one of them selected.) As a note, Harkon and the gargoyles will be 1.4 times your level, the draugr and the soul cairn enemies should all be x1 your level.
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