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[REQ] No spells without training


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One thing I dont like in TES games is how easy is to get magic. In gothic 1 and 2 you had to WORK in order to learn the arts of magic. I know it's how TES world is, but as a player I dont feel appreciation of magical powers as I felt in gothic games. Also the scrolls would be actually useful in such case.


It would be cool if player wouldnt be able to learn any spells without magic training (after with he can learn novice spells). However seeing there are hundreds of mods adding new spells editing all of them in order to add conditions isnt going to cut it. Instead I think that a condition should be injected between opening spell book and learning the spell. This way all spells would be affected.


I have no skills in coding in skyrim, but here's my idea of the system;


*there would a hidden perk called "noTalent"

*if player has this perk then every time player tries to open spellbook he gets information that he cannot learn spells


In order to remove that hidden perk player needs to travel to winterhold and learn basics of magecraft (entrance quest should be changed so player can cast light from scroll). Once in college player would need to speak with a NPC that would teach player the basics of magic (ie. remove the "noTalent" perk), after that player would learn spells as normal.

This could be expanded so player would first need to do some work around the collage before he could learn basics of magic. Small tasks like cleaning, fetch quests and like. However those would be only for increased immersion.

Edited by taro8
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This would require coding mostly to be done, rather than anything in the 3D view of the CK. I'd support this though, it's extremely easy to get spells, and all (if not all) of the races get one spell at least. However, as a note, some races would not fit the "noTalent" perk, such as Breton and a couple elves. if you add a "Play as Dremora" modification, your request would not affect it either, as Dremora know magic.
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Of course this is just an idea for optional mod meant for increasing diffculty. It would be meant to be used along with "no starting spells" (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1102-no-starting-spells/).


Your point about magically inclined races is valid, but I think that maybe an dialogue should open at first run asking if player wants start with "noTalent" perk.

Edited by taro8
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