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Fallout 1 mod


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im looking for a team iv done some models wanna recrate fallout 1 in fallout 3 i know its limited what we can do till the cs arrives but i can get most of the models done and textures and rigging looking for scripters, mappers some one to collect data from the 1st game in forms of text and stats ect.
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I doubt this will ever come to fruition, but I'd love to see it done. You can get most of the info you need on stats, descriptions, and reference images here:



You'd also be more likely to get people to help you out if you posted some shots of your modeling work, I'm sure people would be more likely to get behind someone who shows some talent.

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The mod can definitely come to fruition. Remember this isn't a TC. A lot of assets are already available. Plus Fallout 1 isn't that big of a game. Fallout 2 on the other hand is unlikely. Not to say this wont take a ton of work or anything. This can be done in a few years with a good team and solid, consistent, recruiting. I think unlike many TC's in the works for games that this one will be very popular considering the time its been since Fallout was released. I agree though posting any visual progress is a must if you are recruiting a team. I can't wait for that SDK. The first thing I'm going to do is recreate Junktown using F3 assets.
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I don't know if you've checked the NMA forums or not yet, but I'm pretty certain there'll be quite a few interested modders from there happy to help.



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