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Modding Assistance Needed


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Greetings Nexus goers!

I am very new to the modding scene and mostly just used the amazing work of modders to enhance my games like Skyrim or Kingdom Come Deliverance. That said, I have had a longstanding issue with Kingdom Come since all the way back when patch 1.3 was released and they messed up plate armor coloring for everyone. Since that patch mostly all of the plate chest, legs and hands are discolored and have a slight yellow or green tinge to them and do not match plate arms and helmets. This even applies to "sets" like Milanese and whatnot. You can even see the colors being off in many mods people make to armor as the chest piece in the screen shots will often not match the arms and such. Oddly, the "Warhorse" armor set from the DLC seems to have avoided this armor coloring misfortune as well as the latest plate armor set from the "Band of Bastards" DLC.

So, I am here and asking for help. Either from an experienced modder that wants to take on this task themselves or someone willing to explain to me how I can edit the textures of the armor using the new modding tools so I can make the mod myself.

Thank you so much for your time and I wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year!

- Victory

I added a screenshot I have of the issue. The plate armor on the chest is supposed to match the other pieces like it did before the 1.3 patch. https://imgur.com/a/2bOihYC

The following is a link to a ticket someone made showing some nice screenshots of the issue I was discussing.


Edited by VictoryRush
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Hi, I made this guide for this sort of thing




hope it helps

Hey again, is there a way for us to get the older plate armor texture files from the game before patch 1.3 and make the game use those? The textures were perfectly fine until the day they dropped that patch and then they never fixed it. I feel like there must be a way to somehow import those older game files and make the current game use them.


Thanks for the help!

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If you had access to those files you could make the game use them. If you could find a download/installation of the game pre 1.3, then you should probably be able to just copy the files to your mod.


However, I have no idea how to get those files.. Sorry

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If you had access to those files you could make the game use them. If you could find a download/installation of the game pre 1.3, then you should probably be able to just copy the files to your mod.


However, I have no idea how to get those files.. Sorry

Thanks again for the response!


I made it to step number 5 and I am stuck. I cannot edit the metal portions of the armor on the diffuse level due to nothing being there to edit. I looked up the specular and found it but I am unsure how to proceed. Yeah, I noticed for the diffuse they cut out all the metal bits on the image and those areas are totally black where the metal should be but show up in those spaces for the specular version. How do I edit the black area on diffuse? I add color to those spots on the diffuse pretending the metal bits are there?


Also, I have noticed edits to plate armor in this game with color changes and whatnot with other mods. But this strange off color still shows up in their mod. They changed the color of the metal but the yellowish greenish hue is still under their color edit and it makes the color on the affected piece differ from the same color they used on the arms or helmet. It feels like this is a bug on a deeper level than just the color getting messed up by accident.


Check out the screenshots for the mod below and notice that the metal chestpiece used as a base has the coloration bug. It carries over even though they edited the color of the armor. You can see a side by side picture of the original and the altered and how the bug is present.


Example mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/420

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" I made it to step number 5 and I am stuck. I cannot edit the metal portions of the armor on the diffuse level due to nothing being there to edit. I looked up the specular and found it but I am unsure how to proceed. Yeah, I noticed for the diffuse they cut out all the metal bits on the image and those areas are totally black where the metal should be but show up in those spaces for the specular version. How do I edit the black area on diffuse? I add color to those spots on the diffuse pretending the metal bits are there?"


Yes, you would just add color to those spots in the diffuse texture using the specular for reference on where they should be (the diffuse, specular, and normal maps are mapped together, so the locations of items in them are the same). If you are just changing the overall color, you can just add the color to everywhere where there is black and it wont actually hurt anything.

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I think I found your issue while poking around in the modding tools. The specular color is set to a weird yellowish hue on almost all of the body armors and when I change it to the same color as the diffuse color, it looks a lot better. I'm not entirely sure how to pak a mod from the modding tools yet though











Edited by khowder
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I think I found your issue while poking around in the modding tools. The specular color is set to a weird yellowish hue on almost all of the body armors and when I change it to the same color as the diffuse color, it looks a lot better. I'm not entirely sure how to pak a mod from the modding tools yet though











You found it! That is totally what is going on!


That issue is what is affecting a majority of plate body, legs and possibly hand armor! Even armors from the same "set" like Milanese do not match completely due to some pieces having this weird hue! Now I must figure out how to pak a mod and fix all of them at once! I am super excited because this is an issue EVERYONE has since patch 1.3 and this will not only make my game more enjoyable but help out the entire community!


Finding every single item in those tools will be fun though. Haha!

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It turns out creating a mod from the tools is really easy. They made the tools so that when you pack things to your mod, it looks for what you changed and creats files for your mod automatically. So after you change all the armor, go to Tools > WH Tools > Modding


Click the button 'Create new mod' and fill in your mod info


in the 'selected mod' dropdown, make sure your mod is selected


Then just click 'Pack other files' and it creates your mod




If you want to create an npc to preview armor on:


Tools > WH Tools > Exhibition of bodies


in the 'Name' search an NPC name. I use kickstarter_henry because there are only 2


Click on 'create bodies'


In the 'Start position' it tells you the coordinates where it spawned the new bodies


In the main editor window there is 'Goto position' at the bottom, use that and enter the coordinates for the created bodies and click 'Go To' You'll need to move the camera around and find the npcs that it created. You can select the npc by clicking the little figure around his head


Then go to View > Open View Pane > WH NPC Editor - Down at the bottom left of this opened window select 'Armor Test'


In the Armor Test window, you can see what all this npc is currently wearing. You can select the item slot like body_plate, then select an item for him to wear in the next column




You will need the WH Clothing Elements Editor to actually change the specular values


Views > Open View Pane > WH Clothing Elements Editor


Now you find the item that you want to change (items starting with pa_ are plate armor) and click it. on the right look for 'Open material editor and select material' underneath make sure 'Auto select in material editor' is checked and then click 'Open material editor and select material'


This should bring you directly to the material in the editor. Select the middle box texture and you can edit the Specular Color




It's a little strange, because in the NPC Editor, the name of the item that you put on the dude isn't necessarily the name of the material for that item in the Clothing Elements editor. For example pa_kyrys_003 in the NPC editor - the material for this item in the Clothing Elements Editor is pa_kyrys_004, and it's not in that order - you could find an item with 005 and the material for it is in 009 or something. This makes what you are wanting to do a little bit of a pain if you want to be able to preview it on the NPC in the editor


good luck, I look forward to seeing what you make of it

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