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Clutter Up Skyrim! CUS


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Okay, after couple of playthroughs I've started to feel that some of the in-game areas could use more clutter/decorations and so.

I am huge friend of immersion, old RPG's and general aesthetics, with couple of mods it's possible to edit the gameplay to something very close of old RPG's.


However, only few mods add more decorations to some basic locations, and that's exactly what I am planning to do.

Generally I use modder's resources and vanilla items, and all of the items I add are purely cosmetic and static. (Can't be moved)

In future I will start editing other towns, villages, taverns and so on.


I am trying to keep this so that it does not add too much items, but enough so you will notice the difference.


The areas I am going to edit before release:

- Dragonsreach, Dungeon and the main hall (Including mage quarters and kitchen)

- Alchemy and general store of Whiterun

- The Market area of Whiterun

- Bannered Mare

- Maybe Jorvaskkr


I try to keep it so that the items which I add make sense in some way, so no mage books at Jorvaskkr.

But I hope people keep in mind that I am going a bit towards typical fantasy- themed atmosphere.



Here's a current list of some resources I am using/going to use:







Feel free to throw Ideas, tools, tips, modders resources or anything you feel is related to this.

Also, this is first some sort of bigger project I am working on, so I might have forgotten something important.. Those resources are free-to-use on mods, and I will notify the authors when I release first version of my mod.

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^ Really nice, gonna contact those authors for permissions once I've proceeded a bit in my mod.


I'd like to hear opinions from people, does this sound like bad idea, would this make sense, what sort of things you'd like to see.


Also, I am funny man, I like references.

I might end up making some things which make you giggle. (When you find them)

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First time I heard of your mod, though gotta admit, I can see the differences.

(Well, you can't yet as I haven't uploaded anything related to my mod. Yet.)

Maybe biggest difference is that my mod is just purely cosmetic, so no Misc items, harvestables or anything like that.


Trying to edit the Whiterun before weekend, or maybe during it, and release it so there's good base for this mod, and it's fairly easy to continue from that. (As every item is created, I just need to place them)

Also, people would be able to tell their opinions and so.

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l'm not complaining. Like i said, good luck - it's really fun to make skyrim feel more...alive, so to speak. Should've phrased it a bit better, but i'd just woken up. Hehe. I am glad l'm not the only one that feels the lack of it, though.
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Needs moar barrels


book piles


morrowwind stuff


couple of display cases


some more objects



I'm actually a little disappointed in how little clutter has been added to skyrim. Perhaps if the import process wasn't such a total pain...

Edited by acidzebra
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