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Measure in-game inches


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if I set an AI package with a radius of, for example, 3000, is there any way to see what area that covers in the game or in the Construction Set? I know that the measurement for these radius options is inches:

Radius: The distance from the package's center that is considered valid. The units are Inches.



But without somehow seeing which area that covers in the CS or game, it is only guesswork if the radius I set was large enough for what I want the NPC to do.

Is there an option that enables some sort of overlay or just anything else that would somehow show or tell how "far" an inch goes ingame/the CS?



Edit: s***, I just noticed I put this in the wrong subforum. Can I move this topic to there (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3945-oblivion-construction-set-and-modders/) somehow?

Edited by mixxa77
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For anyone interested who might find this thread, additionally to what Maskar and QQuix said, I found two things that help me:


1) Not sure if it is a thing in the standard CS, but in the CSE there is the option to show "light radius" in the "View" tab. So making a light with, for example, radius 2048 will then show a circle with the radius 2048 around that light.


2) The "Visual X-Marker radius for CS" mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44063

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