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No Shadows on Ultra Settings


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Hello,sorry if there is a similar thread,I already searched everywhere,here,google but nothing like this problem,like the topic said,I just don't have shadows on Ultra Settings,they dont work,but If I put them on High Settings,they work,I can see them on High,but not in Ultra,in Ultra i dont see anything,is not like a bug with pixelated shadows or something like that,I just dont see them, like they are completly disabled on Ultra,I'm just in the beginning of the game,reporting to Whiterun to speak with the Jarl of the first Dragon Attack on Helgen,I think the shadows were working when I started the game,because I dont remember any complain,if the shadows were not working I probably will notice it,at the start of the game,I just installed some mods,SkyUI,Quality World Map with Roads,the water textures and the FXAA Post Process Injector,Today I downloaded the popular Skyrim HD Textures,I was thinking that they were the problem,but I uninstalled them,and all the other mods and still the problem,no shadows on Ultra but on High they work,I have everything on Ultra except the Shadows,I installed and uninstalled the mods with the Mod Manager,I already tested other games,Like GTA 4 and the shadows work great with good FPS,I guess if the problem was my video card there should be problems even on High Settings or another games but nothing just on Ultra.

My PC Specs

7970 GHZ

Corsair 8 GB Ram 1600

i5 3570k

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