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CK and follower status questions


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Greetings. I am having more than a little trouble with getting predictable results using the CK to tweak follower settings. Sometimes it works, sometimes not and I'm trying to understand the logic behind the mess.


Here's the scoop. I don't like playing with essential/protected followers. The game is too easy already and what fun is it if I have an invincible follower or two whacking everything? So, when I install a follower mod (eg, UFF, SGF, etc) I automatically try to dictate their status (I also use the CK to tweak their attributes and combat styles as I typically play without spell tossers). The frustrating part is that I can accomplish my goal with some of the followers in a mod, but not necessarily all. In one mod I was able to set status in 4 of the 5 characters. When I asked the mod maker they indicated that all of the characters should be open to tweaking either through a mod such as UFO or EFF, the console, or the CK. But I have found that when a character's status won't change, none of these methods will work. I have searched high and low for an explanation as to what might be happening, but have found no answers.


So, my overriding question is 'why'? Why will changes made to some followers stick, but not others (even in the same mod with the same author)? Also, please point me in the direction of the best information and tutorials on using the CK. The tutorials I've seen that are linked to the CK website are bare bones, at best.



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