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Need help with a word..


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I have need to define what "controlled participation" is, I searched on google but the first 10 pages wont give me the definition, they're all essays (and i can't read it cus its not free).


I know it has something to do with propaganda but Im not sure what it exactly is.

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let the people vote to let em feel like they have a choice and power but at the same time controle their will by media for example...

thus on the surface they freely participate in for example the law creation process but under the surface just do what theyre are told be it due to propaganda, force, fear, pleasure or whatever


"youre free to do as we tell you" describes it quite good

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To act freely as you choose within the boundaries and or limitations of the Rules.


Like Rock paper scisscors everybody knows that there is no string or laser beam option but occasionlly people choose them. Also many people choose not to play, the only garunteed winning move. (think War Games)


Tick-tac-toe... A universal Paradox, that nobody ever really wins at.

The only exceptions are when you play against a fool, or you get really lucky

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what about pnc? (for those of you not in the know its pirate, ninja, cowboy. its played in a similar mannar as rock paper scissors but with dress up... best example is http://www.comedity.com/index.php?strip_id=80



In such occasion, my "string would" Jedi, unless you can think of anything that trumps Jedi?

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