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Shumer/Pirates of the North not working


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Hey and thanks for any possible help in advance!


Started Skyrim SE little before Christmas and today decided to download more mods. Found Pirates of the North (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28985) and Shumer (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28039) - of course downloaded both. I got Village of Mitt and all the Pirate locations to work, but for Shumer starting quest, the monk doesn't appear to be anywhere in Mitt. Then I downloaded LAL just to try if I can get to the Shumer area through reborn, but that option doesn't appear in dialogue, even with LAL extension included. I cannot get a single quest from any of the POTN locations either.


As a side note, and not to start another thread, I also downloaded Shadow World (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31075), I found the "Invisible Knapsack", but the Black Market locations are plain empty (for i.e. in Solitude where there's supposed to be the entrance, there's just grass patch).


Any tips/clues or am I just missing something?


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If you are seeing the name Allandou's House then you have not got the Version of Pirates in the Shumer download; probably got the one from the Pirate North page which is an earlier version.

Also try the new patch I uploaded that changes back location names that other mods may be overwriting to fix the quest starting problem. I notice you have "Point the way" which is likely to affect a number of locations.


Your load order should be:





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