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Jerky/stuttery camera panning in first person view


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I am experiencing a very frustrating problem with skyrim. When I move the camera in first person view, on both the mouse and my gamepad (although it is worse on my gamepad) it isn't smooth. I have monitored my graphics card and CPU and memory usage while playing and they just aren't an issue. I am using about 462mb of my 1gb of VRAM, about 3.5 gb of my 8gb of memory, and none of my CPU cores are being taxed above about 70% at any one time. My FPS hovers between 35-50 in the area I have been testing.


When I switched to third person view, I don't notice any problems. Everything is very smooth. However in first person view I do notice the problem, and I don't know if it is just more noticeable in some area or actually gets worse, but when I am walking in the tundra west of whiterun is when I notice it the most.


I have tried enabling and disabling mouse acceleration and I haven't noticed a difference. I have several ini tweaks for first person and third person cameras but I don't think that should make a difference, as well as mod that effects the first person view (the height anyway). Could one of those be the problem?

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Have you tried increasing FoV? (Field of view) , useally people choose to increase it to about 80-90 , simply in-game bring up console, type FoV 85, or FoV 90. Makes your field of view bigger, 90 is realistic, but it makes swords and weapons in first person look like they are being stretched infront of you a little bit, I play at 80-85. Sometimes 80 sometimes 85. Edited by Bjornheim
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I think it helped some but the problem is definitely still there. There is a spot just west of white run, where there is like 5 trees and a bush on a hill, where the problem is most noticeable. No matter what I get stutterness there. If I circle the trees for a few minutes the effect lessens but it is still there :/. I think my performance overall increase a bit but definitely not by much.
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Try adding these lines to your Skyrim.ini. It fixed this issue for me, but note that it can make the lag worse on some systems:



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