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We need cat as companion, I like dog, but cat are cool too. Maybe a retexture of Dogmeat + a 0.5 scale of it.

The biggest problem of it, I think, is that cat doesnt't really have animation, whereas dog got some, so maybe Ctrl C + Ctrl V to their animation and change the texture?


Also, let's put the cat in Diamond City in the flat with thousand of Cat.

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There are mods that allow to recruit any NPC, including cats.



Tested this just for fun and to see if it works. Cats have walking, running and a couple of idle animations. Sadly they can't deal physical damage, no animations for it as well. After recruitment, the cat follows you around and you can give it items, tell it to stay or go. Maybe try the second mod (AFT), seems more stable and has a ton of options, your choice.

I think making Dogmeat to wear a cat skin is also doable, but will look kind of weird scaled down with dog animations.

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