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[Request] Loyal companions


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Repost from Obsidian PoE2 modding forum, didn't get a response there whether a mod like this is possible :sad:

In Deadfire some companions will leave the party at certain decision points in the game, most notably when choosing a faction. Is there any way to prevent this behavior with a mod? Meaning: no matter which decisions the player makes throughout the game, all companions will always stay with the party and never leave.

Could this maybe be achieved by simply changing or disabling certain (conversation-) triggers in the game scripting?


Edited by cuddy
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I guess you might be able to tweak this, so they never register as leaving or something?



I guess you can just remove the sections that deliver a missive and remove a character... e.g.




"Data": {
"FullName": "Void DeliverMissive(StringTableType, Int32, Guid)",
"Parameters": [
"Flags": "",
"UnrealCall": "",
"FunctionHash": -275187270,
"ParameterHash": -1215218949
"Conditional": {
"Operator": 0,
"Components": []
"Data": {
"FullName": "Void RemoveFromParty(Guid)",
"Parameters": [
"Flags": "",
"UnrealCall": "",
"FunctionHash": -1788529600,
"ParameterHash": 171824928
"Conditional": {
"Operator": 0,
"Components": []



4371 is the missive in the gui.stringtable;

<DefaultText>Maia is no longer aboard the ship. She's left you a missive.</DefaultText>
<FemaleText />




can be found in the items.GameDataBundle;
"DebugName": "MISC_Maia_Missive_Post_Powderhouse",
Which is;
I have my gripes with the navy from time to time, but I know we're here to do good work. Wish I could say the same about you.
Some day you might learn what it means to be a part of something important. You'll probably get yourself killed long before that revelation takes hold, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You have a knack for survival that I admire.
You're more than your busted up castle and twisted soul. You have the chance to be something incredible. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can get to work on making Eora a better place with the rest of us.
Best of luck,
~Maia Rua




"b1a7e802-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is Maia's ID.




... So if you want the missive without the person leaving you can just cut that bottom section, instead.


This seems to be only part of the answer, though, because there are only four companion exits this way (2 maia, 1 pallegina, 1 tekehu).

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