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[REQ] Conquer Skyrim for a hold Jarl!


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**** The following is a really big mod and would probably need a team, as such I am inclined to think it may not come to fruition, no hard feelings for that :) But if a group of you modders can team up, or at least have a quick chat between yourselves about how realistic this is, then who knows... you guys can be set for a legendary mod****


Required: 2 or 3 coders (at least)

Required: 1 Animator

Required: 1 Artist




Throughout the game the we know that there is no ruler of Skyrim, so why not create a mod where that can be changed? Each Jarl will request that you lead their armies to take over all of the Castles, Towns, Cities and Forts. When you choose which Jarl you will work for, the others will have also recruited their own.


As the top ranking officer of the army, you would have a "General" stationed in the Hold's Capital that you will issue your orders to through dialogue. Dialogue options will consist of options sort of like


*Recruit more soldiers

***In The Pale

*****In a fort

*******Send them to Fort Dunstad


So what is happening above is the order in which you can instruct your general to employ more guards at Fort Dunstad providing you have control of that Fort. It is the logical progression of the conversation with your General. The conversation could appear as so:


You: We need to recruit more soldiers

General: What Hold do you intend to station them?

You: We need them in The Pale

General: Very well, Sir! What type of location are you thinking of?

You: We need them in Fort.

General: Yes, sir. Here is what have.

You: Send them to Fort Dunstad (Here you are presented with Forts you control in the Pale, select the 'Send the to' that you choose)

General: I am right on it, Sir!


At this point, another 4 or 5 guards/soldiers can be stationed at Fort Dunstad. Which could take a day in the game's time.




Soldiers will obviously cost money so you cannot just go hell for leather stationing them in every place you have control of, so perhaps Forts, Cities and Towns generate a certain amount of wealth. The more you have the more soldiers you can employ.


As some holds are stronger anyway due to cash, this could be the inbuilt difficulty of the mod. If you want an easier campaign then choose to claim the throne for Whiterun or Haafingar. If you want a real challenge then ally yourself to Hjaalmarch, the poorest of the Holds whose starting locations limit you... so you would have to be very clever to take over the other Hold's Forts etc.


If you take over a hold, then those soliders who were defending it either die from the battle to the death or can run back. You do not get to keep them.




So while you are looking after your own Hold, the other Hold's are also waging their own campaign again each other. So while you set out to conquer, you will need to remember to leave soldiers back to defend against them.


You can employ a number of messengers who will come to you if a position is being attacked, you then have to get to your general and "TRANSFER" troops through another bit of dialogue to that location. The messenger we can assume has insight into the impending attack to make it easier, so you have a chance to reach it in time. Say, 3 in game hours before they do attack that specific location. Transferring can work on NPC's normal travel time in the game making it a quicker option than just buying more soldiers, but also gives a chance that a far out Fort will have little chance of being defended properly by you or your reserves stationed elsewhere.





Those strategic maps at camps and forts, used in the Civil War main quest could be utilised in this game. Each hold has it's own coloured flags and as they conquer a location the flag will change colour, you can select a flag to initiate an attack order to your general, then you can go and team up with group of soldiers and help them if you wish... or you could just go on with whatever else and hope your soldiers do that job on their own, afterall, you may need to attack and defend several locations at once so you would have to pick and choose which battles you will be involved in.





I suppose the end game would be too kill the other holds Generals, and thus imprisoning their leaders and your Jarl becomes the High King or Queen of Skyrim! Before attacking a general though that Hold must have lost ALL of it's other locations, AND you can only defeat a location in a sensible order... meaning you just cant go straight to each capital and do the deed, you have to progress Fort by fort, village by village, town by town... basically you must have control of a location adjacent to the one you look to take over. Windhelm would be an interesting example, it is right on the border of another Hold. Although a fairly strong hold it's capital can be attacked early by Whiterun and Winterhold as the nearest forts belong to two enemies.




I am sure a lot of what is here is a asking for a lot, and a lot may need to be changed. That is no problem at all, I just wish you guys could give us a Fort Wars type mod that requires a bit of strategy and works in real time in Skyrim! What do you think modders? At least worth a chat amonst yourselves?!



Edited by ProjectVRD
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