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Far Cry

Is there a mod for the floating marker and the transparency?


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Hi. I loved Far Cry 2, it was quite inmersive and difficult. But when I saw Far Cry 3 I was very dissapointed, with all the hit markers, damage markers, and all these. Then, the game was updated to a survival mode or something like that, and in the very game menu you can switch off almost every "modern" feature, and raise the difficulty. So I bought it.


But there is one thing I can't get rid of, it is the floating marker. I have tried several times to start a new game, but every time I ended up dropping it because ot the floating markers. Always in screen, telling you where to go, or on top of a character, I really hate it. There weren't floating markers in FC2 and they where not necessary.


And then, there is the "transparency". I hate it a lot. There are plenty of foliage and items in the game, but then you have a camera that allows you to see through solid things? What is the purpose of the forest then? And walls? I really hate it.


If there is some mod to get rid of these things I'd really apreciate it, or if some one could make it.



Edited by fRikimaru1974
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