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2 handed beatdown character


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I want to run in, beat everyone down and not die right away.


I'm thinking orc with 2 handed axe for bleeding, and that stone that makes you ignore armor weight for faster running.


The big thing is orc's daily beatdown skill take half dmg/deal double.


I would focus only on heavy armor and 2 handed/axe, no lockpicking, no selling weapons, no buying items, to keep my skill count and level as low as possible. This would ensure the world mobs remain low level and easy to kill.



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Never completed the main quest with a two hander. I ran a stereotypical stormcloak armoured wuuthrad guy and get bored soon after the end of companions quest line. Using shouts does make it pretty easy. I used ethereal/fire breath/marked for death which covered most situations. Ethereal to get close to mages, fire breath to deal with groups of low level enemies and marked for death for high hp foes.


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yeah but to keep it interesting I'm just doing dungeon clearing and exploring, i don't really like quests


maybe i also won't use shouts they are pretty strong, my orc may shun them they are not his native tongue :D


i'll be kind of a rogue orc warrior

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