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Your character wanders (enters sandbox mode)


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I'm looking for a mod that would be activated either through a power and/or when idle kicks in that makes your character go into sandbox mode (he does random activities in the area like drink, eat, walks, sits, and use activable props like chopping wood, forges, cooking spits, etc).

Obviously, this isn't really hard to do but I never modded so I don't have a clue on how to make that.



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I'm currently working on a mod similar to the one posted above, but the animations are fired via key presses rather than casting spells. Click here.


Dovahkiin Relaxes Too is far more complete than mine though :P


As for sandboxing, that is handled via AI packages. I'm pretty sure that AI packages cannot run on the player, but I could be very wrong, or it may just need some Papyrus voodoo :)

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I guess someone could probably use UFO scripts that makes followers wanders and somehow modify it into a power that affects the player?


Serana of Dawnguard already idles with sandbox when you talk with NPCs or she isn't doing anything. You don't need UFO if you have Dawnguard as such. Serana is kinda a perv. though. She likes to get up REALLY CLOSE to you when you're talking to someone... to stare at you.

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Serana of Dawnguard already idles with sandbox when you talk with NPCs or she isn't doing anything. You don't need UFO if you have Dawnguard as such. Serana is kinda a perv. though. She likes to get up REALLY CLOSE to you when you're talking to someone... to stare at you.


That drives me crazy when I'm in free cam trying to get a picture or take snapshots for my mods and she walks up to me and says, "What do you need?" and blocks my shot. She pushed me off a high cliff one time doing that. :| I really like Serana but she is not without her annoying side.

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I'm not sure if it's doable to make a AI behavior apply to the player.


This is the problem here.


If someone can work out how to make AI packages run on the player somehow, you have a mod. And perhaps a million-and-one other mods that could benefit from it :P

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