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weird crashes, tried everything


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hello everyone, its simple really, when im inside for example a city, or my underground hideout, or when im walking around, no crashes at all.

when i fight (mainly super mutants and ghouls) there's a high chance im gonna crash, even twice in a row on the same mob. after 2-3 tries they die and im not gonna have ctds until i meet more ghouls/super mutants.


at first i thought, maybe its an issue with MMM, but i cant really figure out what i should do.


i'm gonna post my load order here once i figure out how to copy it from nexus mod manager...


ps: i tried everything to fix the crashes, every possible fix you probably know of, infact when im not fighting i dont crash at all.

Edited by bastardodentro1
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alright im back, didnt check this in a while.

so basically im using only popular mods that are almost designed to work together (fwe, wmk, mmm etc) and im also using all the compatatiblity patches that i saw in gopher's vids.

i cant really explain why i crash every 10-15 minutes, most of the times when im in combat.

i tried the multicore fix and all other kinds of stuff, anyone knows what to do?

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First thing is, those patches are made to work for the versions of mods installed, that is right, but there is no proof for the patch to fix an isuue with an aditional mod you add to the patches fix list, what might just result in the problem you ment to treat with your patchin.


Second thing, try out FO3EDIT, you can download it from Nexus and : read the file about "merged patches" : (load it, click a free space on the left side and choose merged patch should do it)

You need to restart nmm anytime you get an errormessage from fo3edit for a bad loadorder, when you change it or fo3edit wouldnt update the new loadorder.

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First of all, Alternate Travel should be in another place. Remove an .esm flag from it with F3Edit and use BOSS. My recommendation - don't use it at all. Save your time and nerves.

Second - don't use FOIP except FWE-WMK patches. Look for Blackened instead.

Next - remove that plugins:

MMM Zones Respawn

MMM Tougher Traders

MMM Natural Selection

Gopher mentioned it before. But question - why? Master Menu doesn't affect that things, but FWE already contains that options.

Also, look for the Paradox Ingnition The Mergers. You need it for Blackened. And it errors-free.

Instead of Fellout (you also can use The Mergers Version of it) and Enhanced Weather I recommend you Dynamic Weather.

And see latest Gopher's bids call Fallout 3 Mod Clinic. It helps you a lot.

Hope it helps

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