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Skyrim constant mini-freezes


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So since my CTD thread I seem to have fixt the CTD after 30seconds in-game issue, I loaded a older save from when I was lvl48 instead of lvl49, in High hrogthgar, I suspect the CTD issue must have been the Alftand seriously messing up in the cache


Now in this save, I get mini-freezes all the time, it goes like 30seconds, then a minifreeze that lasts 1second, then 30 seconds more of gameplay and then 1second mini-freeze again, this continues for a infinite amount. Whats causeing this? My save file is 400mb big, but I dont know how to reduce the size, I heard its recommended to only reach max 50mb, after that the game gets f*#@t up.

I dont know how to fix my saves, I guess starting fresh is the only option left?

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mini freezes after a short amount of time? sounds like auto-save. Or a slow computer trying to keep up with a bunch of mods.

also, how the F&$% did you get your save file to 400 megabytes(MB)? I hope you mean megabits(Mb). But even so, that's four and a half times the size of my file - and I'm on save # 2300 with more than 110 mods installed.


I think you might just have to start a new game. Or uninstall all of your mods, load a game, save, then check the save size.



Five times the size of my save file.

Edited by xeightballx
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well when i hover above the saves file it sais 400mb, so its either bytes or bits lol


and my pc isnt shity, infact, I play lag free on ultra everything, but I have used auto save 5min mod before, uninstalled it, and also changed the timescale to 10. And I have 83 mods installed, out of 200+ mods that I have on NMM that are not installed (Old versions etc)


save 2300? wtf you save a lot

Edited by Bjornheim
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save 2300? wtf you save a lot


lol. yup. never hurts to be safe.


But timescale. That's probably it. Changing the timescale messes with EVERYTHING. I hate it. I've had issues with it myself.

Changing the timescale changes how textures load in the distance, changes how actors/NPCs go about their routine, and how quests progress, and more.


Try changing the timescale back to the default. (20 I think).


But I don't think that will change your file size. Also, check again how often your game is set to auto-save. Sometimes the game will give a slight 'pause' when auto-saving.

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timescale didnt fix it, still same crap, uninstalled WArzones, ambience sound music and Dynamic loot, didnt make a difference, gota be a unfixable corruptfile thing.
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