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Mannequin Base/Stand Issues


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Yes, yet another mannequin bug, (I've tried the mods, none of them seem to address this issue).


In Honeyside in Riften, the two mannequins are missing their little platform thing that they stand on, while it is present in my other houses. I've tried equipping and unequipping the mannequins, fast traveling and returning, and saving and reloading, all to no avail.


1.Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the stands back?


2. Failing that, does anyone know the BaseID for the stands, so I can manually place them?


EDIT: A little experimenting reveals these are actually tables sunk into the floor, though I still don't know their BaseID or how to fix my problem.



Edited by safetyvault23
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...the two mannequins are missing their little platform thing that they stand on...


The platform that they stand on are just side-tables sunk into the floor to look like a stand. If you aren't seeing them, It's probably because their 'parent object' was disabled, or something didn't activate correctly.

Have you disabled any objects in the room recently? Also, were the stands there in a previous save?

Edited by xeightballx
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...the two mannequins are missing their little platform thing that they stand on...


The platform that they stand on are just side-tables sunk into the floor to look like a stand. If you aren't seeing them, It's probably because their 'parent object' was disabled, or something didn't activate correctly.

Have you disabled any objects in the room recently? Also, were the stands there in a previous save?


Thanks for your response! Unfortunately I just got the house on this playthrough, and I definitely haven't disabled anything. Though the stands weren't there in this playthrough, they were in my last (using the same configuration).

Edited by safetyvault23
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