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Help with custom follower


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Hope this is the right place, or should I have posted this in troubleshooting?


I'm making a custom follower and everything so far works great, if slightly unpolished and immersive breaking. Specifically, the follower is an orc and since he's maked as 'allied' he, like most orcs, sends word to the strongholds that I can go there. I do not want that. If anyone knows how/where I can find out how to disable this specific npc from doing anything about the strongholds I'd appreaciate it.

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A couple of thoughts occur. The first, maybe remove him from any orc related factions if he is in one. Second, I don't think he specifically needs to be an ally to be a follower. He just needs the right voice and factions (potentialfollower (rank 0), currentfollower (rank -1), potentialmarriage (rank 0) if you want him marryable). Is there a relationship set up with the player?
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The relationship with the player is set to Rank: Ally Type: UNAMED

The factions are the three you mentioned; potentialfollower, currentfollower and potentialmarriage. No other factions so I believe it's race related rather than faction.


As this is the first follower I've made I'm curious about the various ways you can make them, the tutorial I used was pretty noob friendly (wich is why I used it) so I have no idea about possible advanced ways to do this.


btw, thanks for the quick reply :)

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Try removing the relationship with the player temporarily and see if that makes a difference. I don't believe it's strictly necessary to specify it explicitly, though I may be mistaken here.


If it's not related to the faction or the rank, it may be as you suspect, that simply by being allied with an orc, the player is able to access the strongholds without the pre-requisite quest. If that's the case, I'm not sure right away what the fix might be. I can't think off-hand if there are any other vanilla orc followers that function without requiring or granting access to the orc strongholds. If there is, it would be a useful place to look.

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I will try to set the relationship to something else, however I think that might affect combat (followers might not attack enemies unless player is an ally), hope I can find a way around. However I'm not sure what you mean by 'temporary'. Wouldn't setting it back to ally afterwards just put it back in it's current state?


While tecnically there are orc followers that do not give the player permission to enter the stronghold the reason that they don't is, simply, that you need to enter the stronghold to recruit them. Otherwise it would've been a good lead.



EDIT: Tried changing to realtionship around. Anything lower than "friend" made me unable to talk to him, anything higher made him say that the strongholds would welcome me :/

Edited by maidenm
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I had another thought of the possible cause. I checked OrcRace and that yielded no clues, nor is it a keyword being checked for. I think it may be a quest script running. Presumably your NPC has voice type MaleOrc...try changing it to another used by non-Orc male followers, such as that used by Farkas, Vilkas, etc. out of curiosity.


If that doesn't work, another clue. I found two quests in which the player is added to OrcFriendFaction (FavorOrcsIntro stage 100 and RelationshipOrcs stage 100). They represent completing "The Forgemaster's Fingers" quest or gaining enough favour with an Orc NPC who then "vouches" for the player to gain entry to the strongholds. What's happening then is that the player's relationship with your NPC is triggering the RelationshipOrcs quest to add them to OrcFriendFaction.


One thing to try, add your NPC to OrcFriendFaction and see if that affects it. I suspect it will prevent him from becoming a follower unless the player has already gained entry to the strongholds, in which case it's obviously not a solution. It may also be possible to add another condition to the RelationshipOrcs quest that prevents it from running for your NPC alone. It looks like it runs for any Orc who is not them self a member of OrcFriendFaction. I'm not sure what the syntax would be, but it'd be something like: Is NOT your NPC. Possibly GetIsReference - Your NPC == 0.

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Cool, glad that worked, nicely done. :dance: For your interest then, on the basis that adding him to the faction worked, changing the voice to a non-Orc voice would have worked too (those are the two conditions for the quest).


And when you say he follows you round when he should, he's probably just waiting for you to fall asleep so he can steal your stuff. That's what Orcs do *spit* :P

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