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Placeable object lag. Eg: campfire, frostfall etc


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As I slowly progress through the game I lose the ability to place objects like bed rolls, useable knapsack, etc


The command prompt takes longer and longer to appear asking me if I want to place here or cancel.


I'll click the object and it will instantly place a visual only version then take about 2 min for the command, even after that the object cannot be used despite having the use bedroll text come up.


My research on google leads me to believe this is a script lag issue. But I dont know how to correct this or prevent it from getting worse if I do the papyrus edits that some posts I see suggest

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Is your inventory large? I encounter lag problems when my unique item count hits some mysterious value and progressively gets worse with time (until I sell off a bunch or otherwise dump it into a chest, or chests as the case may be). Also if the number of registered animations is too large, or if my installed mod count gets too close to "the edge".

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Well, I "fixed" it by going to fall rim tools and deleting all my active scripts. The long term damage is yet unknown of doing that. Now every so often I get instant crashes on saving, in which case I go to the last save in fallrimtools and do it again, as well as clear all nonexistent form is.


I just want a fully LotD built game with better looking npcs ð­

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