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Vibrant Color


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Is there a mod that I can use to just increase the vibrancy of the color in the world of skyrim. I dont really like the washed out feel of it. I am not necessarily looking for an ENB type mod. Just a way to crank up the color ingame. ENB's tend to make the dark too dark for my tastes and I am not really looking for the most realistic game experience per se. I appreciate any replies and ideas and I want to thank everyone and anyone who takes a second to reply in advance.
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Not really, you get a summon spell and a nice config menu. Install the mod. Load skyrim. Run Skyrim. Load game. Make a new save, and load that (because sometimes it doesn't work right off the bat). Summon imaginator. Change settings. Really quite simple.


@gankster: what question?

Edited by acidzebra
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