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Head Tracking that Follows the cameras position//direction


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I don't know if this mod has infact been made, If so please point me toward it.


I think Oblivion had a similar head tracking sort of thing. That's kinda what I'm looking for. I have a Head Tracking Mod installed,

that just tracks NPCs and what not, but that is not exactly what I am hoping for. ^ ^;

I seek a mod in which the head tracks the direction in which the camera is facing.

With the mod I have now I find my self yelling at my char, XD

"Where are you looking!?" Or "You are not even talking to them, and they are not talking to you, yeh silly!"


I think that it would add a level of immersion if you controlled where the PlayerCharacters Head faced.

With the normal limit of not breaking it's neck; If you spun you camera direction to look behind the

PlayerCharacer they would just turn their head to which ever side would be possible to see that direction better.


This would give the effect that when pointing the camera at an NCP

it feels like you character actually turned to look at them when you did.

Rather that that delay when the AI figures out which talking NPC to focus

on in a crowd full of little kids and women wanting to share beauty tips with me. X3


I dunno if this sort of thing is possible with Skyrim, however I've seen several Indie games do it, and I loved it! <3

I do believe Overgrowth has this sort of camera direction tracking.

Check out some vids of that if you'd like to see the tracking in "action" or have not played it to see.. : D

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Hmm, yeah. I remember there being a mod in Oblivion called "Look Here You" (or something like that) which did essentially what you are asking for.


Alas, I don't know if it is possible in Skyrim - and wouldn't know where to start trying to script it lol. Just voicing my support for a mod like this :)

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Hmm, yeah. I remember there being a mod in Oblivion called "Look Here You" (or something like that) which did essentially what you are asking for.


Alas, I don't know if it is possible in Skyrim - and wouldn't know where to start trying to script it lol. Just voicing my support for a mod like this :)

I'm just quite glad this has been done at some point before, I very much hope it can be done for Skyrim. I'd lovelovelove it. X3


EDIT:: I just googled Look Here You For Skyrim.

It seems a lot of people have asked about this but very few have gotten any headway with it.

It's such a shame, it'd be lovely to look up at the sky and your PC looks with you. o 0 o

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Heh, sorry to go off topic but I just absolutely guffawed out loud at your signature lol

Lolol yeah it is pretty great. X3


Oh! I thought about asking the Author of the Skyrim Head-tracking Mod

if he would know how to go about making a Mod like this,

But then I wussed out and couldn't. ; u ;

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