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Adding spells without animations


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A question for modders:


Out of curiosity (and laziness to test it for myself) what would be the ramifications in-game if you were to say, add a spell to a creature that had no spell/magic animations, that is add the spell and enable the 'Spell' tag to it's equip-able list. Crazy in-game spaz animations, crash to desktop or more like a spell flying out of it's body from no animation?


I wanted to hand Alduin the Twin Souls perk and the Conjure Dragon Priest spell for awesomeness, as a specific example.

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I suspect the spell would work without animations, in the same way you can switch race to that of an animal and hitting jump doesn't crash the game.


Another issue you may face is that the NPCs combat style may not incorporate magic at any priority. You should check it to see how it prioritises melee, ranged, magic, shouts, staves or unarmed. Again, it may be worthwhile duplicating and renaming their combat style, adjusting the duplicate and changing the NPC to use the duplicated combatstyle. Test it in-game first however to see if they use the spells, and if so how often; it could be no adjustments are necessary.

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