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Game crashes after Logo - yet didn't before.


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I exited a Jarl's house, entered a shop, purchased items, exited, saved and quit the game and went to bed. Next morning I resume my save and it crashes after I start the load. I load up the auto-saves made when exiting buildings previous and it still crashes. Without any changes made in the game or to the pc, why would it crash when loading saves that I have gone through before?

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1) Open a (or more than one) old save file to check to see if the problem is systemic or savefile related.


2) if it is a systemic problem, (no save will open), then *maybe you added or removed a mod before it began?

- If so, remove or add (reverse what you did) and see if the desired savefile (the one that got us here). I've had cases times where this was the case. And solving it (at least temporarily) was as simple as undoing what I'd done. (usually the last added item(s) to the mod list in Vortex, idk about MO2 NMM or any other.)

- If not... idk...


3) If it's not a systemic problem, ie it only happens for this savefile

- try using Fallrim Tools to see if there are orphaned instances and or scripts. These ("unnattached instances" and "undefined elements") *can cause problems and sometimes lead to CTDs (and afaik have several times in my game).

- Iff orphaned content found in the save file (the opening screen will note any it finds) purge them using the tools Fallrim provides for clearing the entries.

- If not...idk...


4) addendum to 2. If you step back in your save fiels and find one that opens, note it, because that savefile may be your punt position. I lose a level or two every now and then to a **series of saves (both manual and auto) that for whatever reason become unplayable and aren't solvable by the above brief debugging. Sometimes you just don't win without retreating.

good luck!


** case in point, Last weekend I lost slightly over two levels and about a dozen and a half (or so) savefiles to some unknown glitch/bug/malicious mod code. I pissed around for nearly two hours trying to fix the glitch before I realized I was spending more time on debugging than playing, so I just punted back to a working Level 55.x save and moved on.

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1) Yep, happens on the older saves.

2) Nope, haven't added/removed a mod in days.

2a) - Also I have Steam hold off on updating the game, so no undesired/unintentional game updates either.

3) Tried it, Fallrim Tools found no issues.

4) Step back further and I am in a different play-through w/ different mod setup.


The only newish mods I added a week ago were some follower mods just to have more people to bump in to during my travels. No other significant changes made.

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re: 1 and 4, If ANY older saves are openable, then you *probably have an issue in your mod choices (or like me in my last "crisis", you ran into some mysterious bug that caused a group of saves to die)


Harsh as it sounds, and hopefully someone will come along to solve the issue without it, but (imo) your best bet in the long run may be disabling those mods you've added since " Step back further and I am in a different play-through w/ different mod setup", then opening whichever save file still works and move on.


At least then, when you start reinstalling (or re-enabling) those mods, you can track which one causes the issue to pop up again and quash it. What it did to the original saves though... idk, it may not be salvageable.


PS> make *absolutely sure* that you haven't accidentally installed some LE mod, be it a follower or otherwise.


Also, if you happen to have installed any mods from certain other sites, know that some are buggy. at one point, I installed Slave Tats (not for the slave tats...kinda poor taste in my personal opinion, but so I could use a relatively modest artistic back tat, a spinal design that afaik is only available via an addon for Slave Tats), and regardless of whether a million other users found no issues with it, it crashed my game hard. it was another of those "lost several levels lost a bunch of save files" incidents along the way.


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