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NPC Eyepaint etc


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When I made Zabrak Race I made like this:



In the Race, go to Tinting. Make a new Tint Layer, select it and choose your texture. Put the Mask Type to "Paint" and put this presets:


ColorAverage 0.00

black 1.00

black 0.76

WHITE 0.70

WHITE 0.44

WHITE 0.28

WarpaintRed01 1.00

(more warpaints color you want) 1.00


This will work as a warpaint, but if you want to it work as dirt only select in Mask Type "Dirt".


You have to put the warpaint or dirt in the race will be the npc first. Now you have to make this:


Open your NPC and go to Character Gen Parts. In Face Tint Layers, select the name of the warpaint or dirt you created. In Interpolation value change it to 1.00 and clic in Set.



Now it have to work. Good luck!

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