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Cannot reach the nexus login server


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I was just having the problem "cannot reach metadata server" and "cannot reach the nexus login server".


I used Ctrl-Alt-Del to open Task Manager and force closed the NMM. It logged in automatically the next time I opened it.

Edited by gambet1234
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Make very, very certain (check again) that you have the latest version of NMM.

I fumed about this for quite a while before checking, and finding that I did not. Check again.


I just have to say a super huge THANK YOU for this post! I had been wondering why my NMM login wasn't working for ages and when I eventually googled it and found this page, all I had to do was update it and hey presto it worked again!


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This has happened to me for months now. I'm reinstalling with the most updated version as I type, so hopefully that works.


EDIT: It worked! I think it didn't work before because when I reinstalled it, I didn't replace the desktop icon. So if reinstalling doesn't work for anyone, that could be the problem.

Edited by Epicazeroth
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As near and far a guess as I can make as to why the Nexus login server can't be reached would be because of server overload, aka, everyone and their mother (or a large number of people) are attempting to use the server at the precise same time. Again, however, this could only be one possibility among maybe a great many, or a small few, who knows. Barring having the most up to date version of the NMM, I'd wager that all that can be done is wait a while (as the error message would imply) before re-connectivity is possible for the server handlers.

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