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How to screw up your worldspace LOD in two easy steps


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Okay, so I was happily building my custom worldspace but I noticed the world map extended far beyond my needs. Since the island I was building was really only 6x6 cells, I went into menu world > world spaces which has this section.




Wasn't entirely sure what to touch, so I set "Cell coordinates" to -3,3 and 3,-3 respectively, taking my cues from the Tamriel worldspace which has it set to -30,15 and 40,40. Basic XY coordinate system. Saved, loaded up Skyrim, opened the map, all looked well. Exited and continued working for the next 8 hours, saving regularly.


So far so good. End of the day I wanted to have a proper look at my worldspace, so I exited CK, fired up Oscape, and generated the world LOD like I did so many times before. Opened it in Skyrim. And behold - my world LOD cut off abruptly at the edge, presumably where the 3-cell border is. Not only that, but I get all kinds of weird flickering when moving around.


Well sh*t. Okay, back to CK, reset the cell coordinates by erasing the numbers, OK, save. Oscape again. Loaded Skyrim. No joy.

Experiencing a slightly sinking feeling here. Had a look at my automated backups, but since I save a lot, they were all recent ones with the damage already done.


Went back into CK, changed the settings to Tamriel settings. Ran Oscape again. No change. Ran (out of sheer desperation) the CK world LOD generator. No change. Tried any number of permutations and settings changes. No change.


Had a look at the CK wiki. http://www.creationk...om/World_Spaces

Hey, they're undocumented settings. How nice.


So I went back and opened my manual backup I made at the start of the day. Generated world LOD. Looks fine. Except there's 8 hours of detail work missing. I've looked at my esp file with tesvgecko and tes5edit but I don't know which record contains this data. I don't see it.


For some reason, it appears that once you set this, you can't unset it and it will screw with your LOD.


Is there anyone with a suggestion on how to fix this, or should I bite the bullet, give up and re-do 8 hours of work? :psyduck:

(I really feel this should be a reversible thing - so annoying!)

Edited by acidzebra
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Those setting are only for the camera movement on the world map. It limits how far you can move left / right / up / down, so it should have no bearing on LOD.


I'm also pretty sure that Oscape requires a worldspace that is at least 32 x 32 cells, and multiples thereof.

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