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Adding New Room - Interior Disappears


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I am having a problem adding a new room to a house in Skyrim. I created the room as an extension to the house, but when I open the door to enter the room (non-teleport door, it swings open), I only see the infinite gray space (what you see if you "tcl" through a wall). If I proceed through the doorway, I enter into the new room and it becomes visible, but when I turn around the rest of the house is gone (again, only the gray space). Any thoughts on how I can make the entire house one visual? Thanks!
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You need to read up on roombounds




The quickest way to fix it is to simply delete the room markers, menu view > show/hide window, check "portals and rooms", and then delete the big blue boxes which appear in your scene, but the proper way would be to add a roombound and portal for your new room.


Try the proper way first, it isn't that hard and will help performance for those playing on slower PCs.

Edited by acidzebra
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