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dragonman playable race


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im a noob to moding and i was wondering if somone could come up with a dragonman mode complete withe different skintones probably simala to the ingame dragons of skyrim diferent eye colers basicaly a fully custamisable dragonman from the start that is capable of first and therd person and is slitly stronger then other races and comes withe all dragon shouts.

i was also looking at a mod that terns werewolfs into dragonman and thay can also feed the same as a werewolf,

could somone also mack the dragonman feed like a werewof exsept you get different bonuses but health regeneration is the same when your feeding like a werewolf and you also continu to heal but at a slightly exelarated rate compared to normal npcs. also give the dragonman a different race name if posible like draconiane or somthing else its only a segestion you could also give it wings as an optione alowing it to fly based on stamina like uses a lot of stamina to get into the air and once you stop climing it decreses the amount used and continus to use it untill you land could be stamina or mana or bothe at the same time but stamina reaches zero first then it uses mana but at a quicker rate then stamina without items in your inventory you should be able to fly longer distances than withe stuff in your inventory

you could also put an option to transform into another humanoid npc using a larg amount of mana for a start but dcresing quickl it should work by using a spell that uses mana constantly but should be reversable at any time 500 mana should last 24 hours in game time but initial transformation should tack a sertin amount of that but still enogh to cast spells

shout cooldown times could also be 5-50% reguced depending on level

could includ night eye lif detection and even a pasive awernes of enamy proximity eg befor a red dot would normaly show somthing should worn the player that an enamy is geting close but indecates no or some derection should also give a special worning or indecation that a dragon or a dragon berial is nearby


all of the above is a sejestion but i would like a dragonman that works in any situation in the game and can do anything the same should also be able to use a sword and other wepons normaly and veriable size if no transformation spell from normal human size to twice or mor of its normal size, size strenthe heath stamina should also grow out of its natural boundary so helth stamina and mana would display somthing like 212/135 for a short time feeding on animals and creatures not unded and depending on soulpower could rais these stats for a sertin amount and could capter part of a soule into a sole gem


again only sugestioms

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im a noob to moding and i was wondering if somone could come up with a dragonman mode complete withe different skintones probably simala to the ingame dragons of skyrim diferent eye colers basicaly a fully custamisable dragonman from the start that is capable of first and therd person and is slitly stronger then other races and comes withe all dragon shouts.

i was also looking at a mod that terns werewolfs into dragonman and thay can also feed the same as a werewolf,

could somone also mack the dragonman feed like a werewof exsept you get different bonuses but health regeneration is the same when your feeding like a werewolf and you also continu to heal but at a slightly exelarated rate compared to normal npcs. also give the dragonman a different race name if posible like draconiane or somthing else its only a segestion you could also give it wings as an optione alowing it to fly based on stamina like uses a lot of stamina to get into the air and once you stop climing it decreses the amount used and continus to use it untill you land could be stamina or mana or bothe at the same time but stamina reaches zero first then it uses mana but at a quicker rate then stamina without items in your inventory you should be able to fly longer distances than withe stuff in your inventory

you could also put an option to transform into another humanoid npc using a larg amount of mana for a start but dcresing quickl it should work by using a spell that uses mana constantly but should be reversable at any time 500 mana should last 24 hours in game time but initial transformation should tack a sertin amount of that but still enogh to cast spells

shout cooldown times could also be 5-50% reguced depending on level

could includ night eye lif detection and even a pasive awernes of enamy proximity eg befor a red dot would normaly show somthing should worn the player that an enamy is geting close but indecates no or some derection should also give a special worning or indecation that a dragon or a dragon berial is nearby


all of the above is a sejestion but i would like a dragonman that works in any situation in the game and can do anything the same should also be able to use a sword and other wepons normaly and veriable size if no transformation spell from normal human size to twice or mor of its normal size, size strenthe heath stamina should also grow out of its natural boundary so helth stamina and mana would display somthing like 212/135 for a short time feeding on animals and creatures not unded and depending on soulpower could rais these stats for a sertin amount and could capter part of a soule into a sole gem


again only sugestioms

Have you tried Dovahgonian mod?

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i found the mod but it looks more like an argonian with a recolour and a dragon head stuck on top sorry for being rude but i was looking for somthing that looks more buisness like, like a dragonman creature thats in the races menu and didnt replace the werewolf's or any other creature in the game or out of the monster mod pack

but is just for the player to use and has diferent colours and not just a red and is slightly bigger then normal not enough to effect fitting through tight spaces but slightly taller then humans and normal dragonman.


i will try Dovahgonian races and see what its like

Edited by wanabemoder
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