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Question about followers


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Hey all.


I have a quick question and I apologize if it has been asked before. So i'll just right to it....


Is there a mod or any other way to make followers travel closer to your character? Every time I have a follower or followers, they always seem to stay way behind me and I always end up losing them.


So yeah, that's pretty much it. Any help will be appreciated.


Thank you all :smile: :laugh:

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Well, there *was one on Nexus a few months ago. I was carrying two followers at the time so passed it by, since it has a restriction to one follower. I just took a look for it, but I must not be using the right words for search.


As well, I recall that Iff you use AFT normally, you'll probably need to dismiss all but one follower while you;re using it. and disable the mod when you want more than one follower. (Might even need to diable AFT compeltely. not sure....


And afaik, one of the popular managers does too. EFF or the other one not AFT. I've never used anything but AFT so I can't say. Just going on recollections of forum posts.


sorry I can't offer more than that. Somewhere around here, yes I believe there' a solution. What it's called...?

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I'd suggest the OP give AFT a try. There is an option to make the follower keep their distance. Unchecked, they seem to always be annoyingly close. There is also a setting where they catch up to you as soon as you draw your weapons, and a power that allows you to instantly summon them if they get lost. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's pretty handy and makes keeping them in line a lot easier. I'd also suggest checking the "does not auto relax" box.

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Nethers Follower Framework has in it`s MCM the option to have the followers follower you closer. I mam a bit of a fan for Nethers follower framework. Is dam easy to sort out and has a lot of great feature that other follower frame work mod don`t have.

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Nethers Follower Framework has in it`s MCM the option to have the followers follower you closer. I mam a bit of a fan for Nethers follower framework. Is dam easy to sort out and has a lot of great feature that other follower frame work mod don`t have.

I second that. Besides that it's the only follower framework I know of that still gets updated and even expanded on a regular basis. Nether is doing really great work.

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Nethers Follower Framework has in it`s MCM the option to have the followers follower you closer. I mam a bit of a fan for Nethers follower framework. Is dam easy to sort out and has a lot of great feature that other follower frame work mod don`t have.

I second that. Besides that it's the only follower framework I know of that still gets updated and even expanded on a regular basis. Nether is doing really great work.


Asking for a friend ;) Anything special that needs done to transfer management from AFT to Nether?

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I suspect that would end up requiring a new character, but if you wanted to chance it, you might have luck with dismissing all followers and using the AFT power to fully reset. Then don't uninstall it, but deactivate it, install nethers, loot, etc. No guarantee of success there, though, as you may have issues with two follower mods being installed, even if one is shut down.

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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I was kinda afraid there's "no going back". Much as I'd like to get my followers to run a bit closer (they follow about two car lengths back) , I'm not inclined to spending another couple days or week sorting out the mess. Ah well... thanks for the suggestion anyway.

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