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Reuseable scrolls, w/ or without cooldowns


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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't found one. But i agree it could be very nice with a mod like that so very cool idea you got there.


As it is now i never use scrolls i just sell them as i dont see much of a point in using them since you can only use them once so i prefer getting the money from them instead.


Also i don't really think it is very realistic or immersive that you can only use a scroll of a piece of paper and it then dissapears after using it. If that makes sense?


Im not a modder but i can think of a few ways to do this.


1.) Make it so that you can craft a scroll to a spelltome using various other rare ingredients to not make them too easy to make. This would be the coolest i think but probably also the hardest way to make it a mod.


2.) Give scrolls a fixed set of uses (like 5-10) and consuming magicka when using them.


3.) Make scrolls like shouts and give them a cooldown period. Maybe also a 5-10 use span so they are not working exactly as shouts as that would not make much sense.


4.) Make scrolls like enchanted weapons draining soul energy and magicka.


I think any of these solutions would greatly improve the use and fun in using scrolls.


These are my thoughts on this very interesting idea.

Edited by DaugonHerion33
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