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Console commands---how to write?


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Just started yesterday with KCD on PC. I tried several ways to type in the console command for add item. Nothing worked though. Did I need to do something first within the Game Folder(s)? Could some1 kindly tell me what I need to do to get console command(s) to work & type out precisely what I need to type in to get antidote? That would most assuredly be of great help. Thank u very much.


Edit: Surely I cannot be the only 1 struggling with this game. I've followed every youtube video on installing mods for KCD. Can't get any of the mods I tried to install to work. Did WH decide to "not allow this game to be modded?" .... & just not say so ....& just update the game so that former mods will no longer work? I don't know....shrugs. I seem to be at a constant disadvantage....either tired,hungry,encumbered, or bleeding...plus outnumbered by the enemy. Don't know how I can play this without some help from some very much needed mods. Cam any1 help me out here? Thnx

Edited by SirTrijj
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