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Anyone willing to make Sentry bot mecanum wheel and frame clipping fix


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Title says all, is there anyone willing to do that? There is this modeling error on the Sentry bot's mecanum wheels and leg frames that connect to the wheels causing the wheels themselves to clip through the legs.

Pictures of what I'm talking about: https://imgur.com/a/R9HMVf9

Hopefully those get the point across, like where the wheels are clipping into the leg frames. Once I noticed it (yes, I'm very anal about these kind of things), I couldn't stand to know it was there, even when the armor covers the errors up... It's just one of those OCD things I guess.

I would do it myself, but I don't know jack about editing models/meshes or anything of that nature unfortunately, so here I am.

You can contact me here or though PM, whichever is fine.

Thanks much! :cool:

Edited by zcul
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You will probably hear this again, but what you are requesting could get a mod author in deep doodoo. It is against the EULA for the CK to create any mod for financial reward.

Yep, just realized that is was against the EULA, I should've done some reading up on that.


It's been cleared up.

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