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Export Inventory/Container Object BaseID to .CSV File


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Hello wonderful modders!


I have a dilemma: I've been collecting magazines from the Comic Collector mod for a while. Now, I want to start a new game but would hate to lose all the magazines that I've previously found. Each magazine has a unique BaseID, which I can use with the player.additem command. However, as there are several hundred magazines, I have no way to record the BaseID of each magazine other than physically writing it on the peace of paper and then importing the magazines one by one.


Would it be possible to create a .bat file that would scan the contents of a container (say, I transfer all the collected magazines into an empty container) and then create a .CSV file containing the BaseID of the magazines inside the container? Even cooler would be a second .bat file that would then read the .CSV file and import all the magazines into my inventory or a container.


Thanks so much!

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