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Feminized Power Armor


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Oh how I would love to have these ..maybe for both BOS and Enclave versions of power armors.


I just don't understand why the fuss about it anyway ? :) I think what most people would after would be just slight changes to suit the female body (akin to differences between female and male combat armor ), and it makes a lot of senses for me..would you want to head into wars with ultra-tight uniforms ?


Power 'bikini' however makes no senses...

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My god that is the worst canon offense I've seen in this game yet.. thank god they didn't put that in.. Are the BOS now Care Bears or something?! lol.




Yes, of course. The original games never included anything wacky or funny at all.


is that sarcasm? if so at least make it obvious that it is, as i distinctly remember finding a crashed whale from hitchhikers guide, a crashed shuttle from star trek and the bridge of death from Monty python and the holy grail, as well as alot of other crap.


i actually like the idea of femine power armour, but maybe as oppose to just 'getting' it from somewhere, if your repair is high enough, then you can create your own, using random ingredients as well as a suit of power armour to strip down. Sort of put the servos in the legs rather then have such massive upper body armour, increasing your agility rather then strength. End of the day, i would prefur agility over strength anyways, as i like shootin' poo rather then bashin' it.

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