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Feminized Power Armor


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It's not just the stat penalties, it's for the same reason as the OP: the damn thing is ugly. So while I understand and appreciate the reasons for the design choices, I still don't have to like wearing them. If someone wants to use their creative talent to design a more pleasant equivalent, fine, but that's not a good reason to replace the current Power Armor as it's been designed, or even call it Power Armor.


And trust me, Power Armor isn't even a great gameplay need, you can be a badass without it; my unarmed character got captured by Enclave and didn't bother to requip her gear until she walked out the front door. She tore the place up in her undies and barefisted, most the time not even stealthing.

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It's not just the stat penalties, it's for the same reason as the OP: the damn thing is ugly. So while I understand and appreciate the reasons for the design choices, I still don't have to like wearing them. If someone wants to use their creative talent to design a more pleasant equivalent, fine, but that's not a good reason to replace the current Power Armor as it's been designed, or even call it Power Armor.

It's not really about replacing Power Armour it's about catering to a small demographic that would like to have the option (a mod) to have a version of the Power Armour that is more feminine.


Personally I'd be happy with someone adding a unique suit of modified armour (one belonging to a female tech adept perhaps) which has armour plates reformed (basically when you come down to it Power Armour is a servo machine in a plated metal shell) to suit her preference (like a street racer who remodels their car). I'd also alternatively be happy with a unique sleaker power armour variant that is designed to enhance Agility rather than Strength.

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And maybe they could develop a sleeker model, maybe one with power-assisted speed and gyro-stabilization for cutting-edge balance that works with the wearer's movement rather than against it, maybe cased in flexible alloys that better redirect blunt-force and ballistic impact.


In case you missed all the posts about realism, real powered exoskeletons DO assist the wearer, not hinder them. The whole point is that you can wear a tank's worth of armor without it slowing you down. Look up Raytheon Sarcos or Berkeley Bionics. The Berkeley exoskeleton not only takes the weight off the wearer's shoulders, but reduces metabolic cost! And these are real technologies today, not concepts of what power armor should be 100 years down the road.


It's not just the stat penalties, it's for the same reason as the OP: the damn thing is ugly. So while I understand and appreciate the reasons for the design choices, I still don't have to like wearing them. If someone wants to use their creative talent to design a more pleasant equivalent, fine, but that's not a good reason to replace the current Power Armor as it's been designed, or even call it Power Armor.


Or even call it power armor? Huh? Power Armor is not defined as being a big clunky suit of metal that necessarily hinders the wearer while adding protection. If that were the case, school teachers would talk about knights in medievel days wearing their suits of power armor.


Most people on this thread agree that Bethesda has no idea what they are talking about when it comes to science and real life. Thus, the current setup I've made for my power armor makes the stuff weigh a couple hundred pounds, adds plenty strength, protection and even adds some speed to keep all that weight from slowing me down. That is the DARPA vision of powered armor. That vision can easily be applied to the look of the Fallout Power Armor because it is big enough to accomodate those systems.


Now, on the subject of female variants, so long as the suit is bulky enough to reasonably accomodate components for the aforementioned bonuses, YES it can be called power armor.


And make no mistake, we aren't aiming to replace the armor in game (others are working on that, and I support their efforts), we are trying to create visibly female variants of the suits that are already there. The idea isn't a more pleasant-looking power armor, the idea is realism. Let me remind you that police departments worldwide have FEMALE SPECIFIC plate carriers (armored vests, for the laymen out there) they issue their officers because one size really doesn't fit all. The military is slowly adopting female plate carriers as well. So what I, and Fosley, are saying is that if power armor really was developed it would have female variants. That's not speculation, it's what would happen. Even an NMA member has commented on this board that if the sprites were big enough for it to have made a difference, Interplay and Black Isle may well have added female versions of power armor in Fallout 1 and 2.


And trust me, Power Armor isn't even a great gameplay need, you can be a badass without it; my unarmed character got captured by Enclave and didn't bother to requip her gear until she walked out the front door. She tore the place up in her undies and barefisted, most the time not even stealthing.


No, it isn't a great game play need, but some of us like to play with mods to increase difficulty (and in some cases, realism). Think about how that scenario would pan out in real life. Prisoner escapes, mostly naked, and fights her way out past armed guards with nothing but her bare hands? Nevermind their armor, they've got GUNS! That escapee would have been shot, once, in the head and the guards would go back to their business. Those of us playing with that kind of realism may well want the added protection of power armor, or maybe they just love stomping around the wastes in power armor relishing in the idea that nothing can harm them.


While power armor certainly isn't a necessity, there are some people who want it and not all of them are happy with what Bethesda gave us, so here we are, theorizing about how to improve upon what we have.

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emkepelin tat can only be done on very easy :P ontopic: i would like to see womanize Power armor the More "agile type" would only fit for womans tho and it could go Better with BoS and Outcast armors since Enclave armor is very big and Bulky it would be Nice to actualy recocnize males and Females in Power armor
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It's not the 'realism' so much as the design continuity that upholds environmental immersion, which going over just this thread appears to be more important to long time fans than people who've discovered the franchise and are making opinions about what they do and don't like about it.
Ok, but there's a difference between "zomg! Brian Fargo didn't approve this mod!" and "this mod doesn't plausibly fit the game's setting and lore".


Just look at the dozens of great Star Wars books that have been written, which add many new things to the original stories, completely alter the balance of forces in the galaxy, and are completely non-canon, but still maintain the Star Wars spirit, and are (for the most part) completely lore-friendly. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure there's some canon stuff out there based on the non-canon work (citation needed, I know).


Additionally, we have two things that significantly separate Fallout 3 from the lore of Fallouts 1 and 2: first, it takes place some 3000 miles away on the other side of the country, and second, it takes place some 120 years after the first game and 40 years after the second game, if I remember my dates correctly (checking. . . F1 starts in 2161, F3 starts in 2277, so F3 - F1 = 116 years, and as I recall (I don't own it) F2 is 80 years after F1, which is 35 years before F3).


And I'm personally not looking for a skin-tight exoskeleton type of power armor. I'm looking for bulky, servo-based BoS-styled power armor that simply is visibly female. For instance, Samus' power suit is far too high-tech to reasonably fit in the Fallout universe, but you can still take styling cues from it, or any other suit. Though. . . it *would* be fun to watch Samus take one good high-jump at full speed-boost, then, with maybe a space jump or two in the middle, leap across the entire Fallout 3 map without touching the ground. :yes:

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i would like to see womanize Power armor the More "agile type" would only fit for womans tho and it could go Better with BoS and Outcast armors since Enclave armor is very big and Bulky it would be Nice to actualy recocnize males and Females in Power armor


What about replacing the recon armor with a lightweight speed, stealth and agility-based suit? Actually, you could make it an American prototype of a reverse-engineered Chinese Hei Gui sneaking suit (the suit that the stealthboy was based off of). Consequently, it could also look substantially different from the power armor we've seen, because no one knows what the Hei Gui looked like (although it is rumoured to be in Operation: Anchorage)


And I'm personally not looking for a skin-tight exoskeleton type of power armor. I'm looking for bulky, servo-based BoS-styled power armor that simply is visibly female. For instance, Samus' power suit is far too high-tech to reasonably fit in the Fallout universe, but you can still take styling cues from it, or any other suit. Though. . . it *would* be fun to watch Samus take one good high-jump at full speed-boost, then, with maybe a space jump or two in the middle, leap across the entire Fallout 3 map without touching the ground. :yes:


I know someone mentioned working on a beefy female T-45d, but I haven't seen any updates on it. Either way, I agree with you, all of the power armor needs to look big, bulky and intimidating, male or female. Anyone remember the intro to Fallout 2 when it shows the vault open to reveal a bunch of Enclave troops waiting at the door to slaughter the inhabitants? Those guys looked big and scary! We need more of that look in FO3 power armor, and in any female variants of it. So far, I think the T-45d is the only one that even comes close to that.

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Female plate armour is made no differently from normal plate armour, perhaps a slightl larger chest, but not by much, men are usually larger overall in the chest area anyways thanks to musculature, meaning that a suit of armour can be rather easily unisex up to a point, and even a snug fit isnt all that hard... breasts are made of fat, and can compress a decent way without discomfort, only thing I could see for feminizing power armour would be tightening the waist on the BOS armour, because it looks semi meshy anyways... but that will look retarded, I say leave it alone the US government wouldnt spend extra money making breat cones, or anything, especially since they do nothing but impact integrity negativly,


and yes I realize, you said Screw realism, which, yes is a good idea sometimes, but besides being impractial, female BOS power armour would look retarded... and really mismatched with the helmet xD

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If female plate carriers were basically the same as the male ones no one would have wasted the money to design and produce them.


And perhaps a feminized T-45d wouldn't be too easy to pull off, but what about the T-51b? Although that one kinda needs to be scrapped and replaced all together.

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makes no sense to do it for power armor though. Regular Armor fine, power armor no. It doesn't fit with the Canon. Now female specific armor would be epic. I hate how armor/clothing immediately changes to the character's sex, unlike in Morrowind where if you tried wearing female clothes as a male you'd look like a freak... not that its a bad thing I mean could you imagine being chased around the wastelands by a transvestite :D.


I'll agree to more female specific armor.. but not Power Armor. Power Armor is for meatheads.. even the BOS Monks state that.

you attack this suggestion as though you are forced to use the mod if someone makes it.


If i may make a suggestion mr_cyberpunk, don't download it and leave the topic now.



as for the actual topic suggestion, though my character is a dude, i like the idea!

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