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Trying to add a custom Perk through reading Book

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Hey guys, so I made a custom Perk and now I am trying to add it to my character ingame with a book.


To do that I attached a script to the book.




ScriptName AddPerkBookScript Extends ObjectReference


Perk Property Custommod Auto

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto


Event OnRead()




Using this script the game does not apply the Perk to my character when reading the book. I know the Perk is not the problem because it works when I add it through the console.


But what is the problem here??? Why wont my script add the Perk???

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If you haven't forgotten to add the "Player" in the script's property, then.

Some faction will not execute when the game is in "Pause Mode" > "Book's UI", a quick workaround is to add a "Wait()" before the "AddPerk()", while the "Wait()" dose not execute also, it does however fires the instant you leave the "Pause Mode" > "Book's UI", so anything after that will also execute.

I hope it helps....

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Thx for your reply but I found out what the problem was.


I was trying to put the perkscript on a spelltome. Turns out spelltomes are not actually treated like books scriptingwise^^.


I tried pretty much every script i could think of to make the spelltome work but ultimately I gave up and put the perkscript on a regular book. It works fine now.

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With spelltomes you can use:

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)


ScriptName AddPerkBookScript Extends ObjectReference

Perk Property Custommod Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
if akNewContainer == PlayerRef

Edited by maxarturo
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Wow! Thx I will try this when I get back home !! :D


What do I insert instead of the objectreference?


I don't really understand what you mean by that....
But, "OnContainerChanged()" is in the family group of "Objectreference" events.
It should work just fine as it is.
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The only issue with this approach, if you haven't find out already, is that the "Custom Perk" will always get applied no matter if the player reads the Spelltome or not, there is also the issue that he can remove the spelltome from his inventory and then pick it up again, so everytime that the Player pick up the spelltome the "Perk" will be apply.

According to what the "Custom Perk" does, it might not cause any issues but in the other hand it can, can even cause CTD.

To prevent this, use the following script that ensures that the perk gets applied only once.

ScriptName AddPerkBookScript Extends ObjectReference

Perk Property Custommod Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Auto State WaitingPickUp
Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
if akNewContainer == PlayerRef

State Taken
Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)

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I can't be sure since i don't know what exactly you have done with your mod, and i haven't tested this.

Nevertheless, the second script is the script that it should be from the beginning and ensures that no issue can be caused by double applying the perk since it will get apply ONLY ONCE no matter how many times the player drops and picks up the Spelltome, after the first pick up and first perk apply the script will go to a STATE that does nothing.

I just didn't wrote it like this because it was made on the go (the first script), after revisiting your post today i had the time to rectify it.

Have a happy modding.

Edited by maxarturo
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