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Game Crashing as soon as i enter skyrim


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Hello Guys,


So i need your help i dont know how to fix it ... I start a new game and make my new dragonborn and i select my new start . i selected that i am a outlaw and im spawning in a dungeon full of bandits and as soon i want to leave and get to the world of skyrim my game crashing in the loading screen i have the crash report here :


[01/06/2020 - 07:55:25AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:25AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:25AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:25AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:35AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequiphandlerscript", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:35AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequipmcmscript", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:36AM] Cannot open store for class "hishbskinningscript", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:36AM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:36AM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:37AM] Cannot open store for class "rcrn_DynamicInterior_V20", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:41AM] Cannot open store for class "MJB_IvarsteadNarfiHouseScript", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:41AM] Error: Unable to bind script MJB_IvarsteadNarfiHouseScript to (45980F7B) because their base types do not match
[01/06/2020 - 07:55:41AM] Error: Unable to bind script rcrn_DynamicInterior_V20 to (00000014) because their base types do not match
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script KRY_TVPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property ClearWeather on script VividSnowPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest VividSnowMapTracking (8B0012D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0B01906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (501EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Error: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (69440015) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0003BDE9) is not the right type
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (502E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (502E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:38AM] Warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (502E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script TV_MCMScript attached to KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Warning: Property Nec3 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (50377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Warning: Property Nec1 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (50377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Warning: Property Nec2 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (50377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [zbloodEBTmenu <zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (400389EC)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [sSAssistMCMMenuScript <SSAssistMCMMenuScript (22005E32)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [EXUI_MCM <EXUI_QUST_MCM (2A002DB3)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 1 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 2 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 3 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [CCO_MCMScript <CCO_MCMStartupQuest (3105EA5A)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [footprintsConfigMenu <footprintsSkyUIConfig (25080094)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [CHConfigQuestScript <CHConfig (3F14921A)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [_camp_skyuiconfigpanelscript <_Camp_SkyUIConfigPanel (0F0225A6)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [Campfire][info] Upgrading MCM script to version 4
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (2B005E3D)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] >>=======> Hunterborn is updating from 0 to 160
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [LoS_MCM <mannyLOS_MCM (0A00E6C7)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [ORD_SKSE_Script <ORD_SKSE_Quest (9F17C1CC)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [DualSheathReduxMCM <DualSheathReduxMCM (1D003319)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [NPCO_MyConfigMenu <NPCO_MyConfigMenu (659C39F2)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [TV_MCMScript <KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [MorningFogsMenu <MorningFogsMenuQuest (14007417)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [DM_SkiConfigMenu <DMconfigMCMquest (5303875F)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function call
[MJB_MCM_ETaC (0906E55A)].MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script.OnConfigInit() - "MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script.psc" Line 10
[MJB_MCM_ETaC (0906E55A)].MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[MJB_MCM_ETaC (0906E55A)].MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script <MJB_MCM_ETaC (0906E55A)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] FNIS aa (load game) started
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (29000822)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (29000822)>]: Updating to script version 2
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [DanceOfDeathMCMScript <DanceOfDeathMCMScript (4D03311F)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [XPMSEMCM <XPMSEMCM (96000888)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (2900082A)>]: Updating to script version 2
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (2900082A)>]: Updating to script version 3
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp13"
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:39AM] [_splskyuiconfig <_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Version outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Time outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DressTimed outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_SkinTimed outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HarvestTimed outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ButcherTimed outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ForageTimed outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_wetskyuiconfig <_WetSKConfigQuest (2301BCA8)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_SmallGame outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Chickens outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Dogs outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Hares outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (1F0C4C3A)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (1F0C4C3A)>]: Updating script to version 16
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Mudcrabs outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Skeevers outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Slaughterfish outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DefaultActions outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ClickOnFreshKill outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ClickOnFreshKillSneak outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ClickOnCleanKill outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ClickOnCleanKillSneak outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Presets outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_PeltValues outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MatAmount outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MeatYield outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_CustomMeatYield outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_KnifeSales outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Realism outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ReweighMeat outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_RemoveManualLoot outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_PreventBearStash outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_PreventOverburden outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_PreventInCombat outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_RequireCookbook outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_RequireHuntingKnife outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ClawsAsHuntingKnife outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ShowScreenBlood outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseAnimation outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_EnableBountyPerk outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ScrollDownForMore outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeysAnimals outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyDress outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeySkin outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyHarvest outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyButcher outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyProcess outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeysAbilities outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyForage outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyScrimshaw outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyTaxonomy outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeySenseDirection outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeyPrimitiveCooking outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeysSettings outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeysHideAbilities outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HotkeysHideMenu outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Proficiency outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_TotalCleans outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_SkinningLevel outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HarvestingLevel outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ForagingLevel outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_Experience outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ExpReset outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_EnableMonsters outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option None outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterList outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterChaurus outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterSpiders outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterTrolls outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterWerewolves outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterDragons outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_MonsterOptions outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DragonsCorporeal outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_CompatibilityOptions outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_AddTaxonomy outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCustomPelts outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCombinedCustomPelts outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_EnableFurPlate outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCustomMats outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCombinedCustomMats outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCustomMeats outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCombinedCustomMeats outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_UseCustomTextures outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_ReapplyTemplates outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DebugMode outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_CompatibilityChecks outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_SKSELoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_RNDLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_CACOLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_CampfireLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_SkyReLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_PerMaLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [XPMSEMCM <XPMSEMCM (96000888)>]: Registered XPMSE at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_RequiemLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_IALoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DawnguardLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_HearthfireLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>] ERROR: Cannot add option $_DS_HB_DragonbornLoaded outside of OnPageReset()
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] >>=======> Hunterborn DoInitStuff running...
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [MJB_MCM_ETaC_Script <MJB_MCM_ETaC (0906E55A)>]: Registered ETaC at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_camp_skyuiconfigpanelscript <_Camp_SkyUIConfigPanel (0F0225A6)>]: Registered Campfire at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 2
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 3
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 4
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 5
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 6
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 7
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 8
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [LoS_MCM <mannyLOS_MCM (0A00E6C7)>]: Registered Lanterns of Skyrim at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Updating to script version 9
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [MorningFogsMenu <MorningFogsMenuQuest (14007417)>]: Registered Morning Fogs at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [TV_MCMScript <KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (1B001831)>]: Registered Trade & Barter at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_wetskyuiconfig <_WetSKConfigQuest (2301BCA8)>]: Registered $Wet and Cold at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [footprintsConfigMenu <footprintsSkyUIConfig (25080094)>]: Registered Footprints at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [sSAssistMCMMenuScript <SSAssistMCMMenuScript (22005E32)>]: Registered Screenshot Assist at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [DualSheathReduxMCM <DualSheathReduxMCM (1D003319)>]: Registered Dual Sheath Redux at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [EXUI_MCM <EXUI_QUST_MCM (2A002DB3)>]: Registered $EXUI_MODTITLE at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (2B005E3D)>]: Registered Immersive HUD at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [CCO_MCMScript <CCO_MCMStartupQuest (3105EA5A)>]: Registered Complete Crafting at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [zbloodEBTmenu <zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (400389EC)>]: Registered Enhanced Blood at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [CHConfigQuestScript <CHConfig (3F14921A)>]: Registered Convenient Horses at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [DM_SkiConfigMenu <DMconfigMCMquest (5303875F)>]: Registered Deadly Mutilation at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [DanceOfDeathMCMScript <DanceOfDeathMCMScript (4D03311F)>]: Registered The Dance Of Death at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] Cannot open store for class "fnis_aa2", missing file?
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAmodID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 101
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 187
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 56
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.OnInit() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 166
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp10"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAmodID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 101
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 187
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 56
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.OnInit() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 166
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] Error: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAmodID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 102
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 187
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 56
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (96000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.OnInit() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 166
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID - MOD MISSING (not included by FNIS generator) mod: XPMSE prefix: xpe
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:37
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:39
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:38
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:40
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:31
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:41
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:4
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:45
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:43
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:36
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:17
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:49
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [NPCO_MyConfigMenu <NPCO_MyConfigMenu (659C39F2)>]: Registered Immersive Citizens at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:7
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:16
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:52
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:48
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:40AM] [_splskyuiconfig <_SPLSKConfigQuest (7900388D)>]: Registered $Wonders of Weather at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:57:46AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultsetstageonplayeracquire to (FF0014FF) because their base types do not match
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script rcrn_DynamicInterior_V20 to (00000014) because their base types do not match
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] [DLC2_QF_DLC2_MQ04_02016E02 <DLC2Init (04016E02)>] DLC2Init quest START
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] PATCH 1.6 QUEST HAS STARTED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] PATCH 1.9 QUEST HAS STARTED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] DLC1: Starting DLC1 Initialization quest.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] PATCH 1.5 QUEST HAS STARTED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] [ORD_SKSE_Script <ORD_SKSE_Quest (9F17C1CC)>]: Registered Ordinator Perks at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 29
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 29
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 30
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 30
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 31
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 31
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] FNIS aa started (init) nMods: 0 nSets: 0
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Error: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 34
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] FNIS aa GetAAsets mod: FNIS aa nSets: 0
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:02AM] Error: Static function GetAAsetList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAsets() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 249
[FNIS_Q (7F000D62)].fnis_aaquest.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest.psc" Line 35
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] [Campfire] Performing first-time setup.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 83
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 88
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 108
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "Keld-Nar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 116
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "ShezriesOldHroldan.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 125
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] Error: File "ShezrieOldHroldanVer2.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 125
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (52049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 137
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:03AM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Done. ====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:04AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (1F0C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:04AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (1F0C4C3A)>]: Registered Immersive Creatures at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:05AM] [DLC2_QF_DLC2_MQ04_02016E02 <DLC2Init (04016E02)>] DLC2Init quest DONE
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:06AM] PATCH 1.4 QUEST HAS STARTED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:06AM] DLC1: DLC1 Initialization quest done.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] [sSAssistMCMMenuScript <SSAssistMCMMenuScript (22005E32)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (2B005E3D)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] CRF: Initialization Script Complete.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] Error: Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]
[iHUDControlQuest (2B000805)].ihudwidgetscript.initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38
[iHUDControlQuest (2B000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93
[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (2B002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20
[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (2B002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnInit() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 7
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] [CHConfigQuestScript <CHConfig (3F14921A)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] Error: File "CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[xxxSneakQuest (3215308B)].xxxsneakquestscript.AddClaraluxLights() - "xxxSneakQuestScript.psc" Line 357
[xxxSneakQuest (3215308B)].xxxsneakquestscript.initSneakTools() - "xxxSneakQuestScript.psc" Line 351
[xxxSneakQuest (3215308B)].xxxQF_SneakQuest.Fragment_2() - "xxxQF_SneakQuest.psc" Line 12
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] Error: Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]
[iHUDControlQuest (2B000805)].ihudwidgetscript.initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38
[iHUDControlQuest (2B000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93
[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (2B002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20
[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (2B002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnInit() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 7
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:07AM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:08AM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (2F014836)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] >>=======> Hunterborn is running compatibility checks.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] >>=======> Ignore Papyrus errors about missing files, immediately below.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] Error: File "RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.PrepForDLC() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 93
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.DoInitStuff() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 1842
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 218
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] >>=======> Hunterborn is checking for SkyRe...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] >>=======> SkyRe newly detected...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:09AM] >>=======> Hunterborn is setting up SkyRe QL recipes...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] >>=======> Finished setup of QL recipes.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] >>=======> Hunterborn is checking for PerMa...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] Error: File "PerkusMaximus_Master.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.CheckForPerMa() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 329
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.PrepForDLC() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 114
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.DoInitStuff() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 1842
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 218
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] Error: File "Requiem.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.PrepForDLC() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 116
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.DoInitStuff() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 1842
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 218
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] Error: File "Draugnarok.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.PrepForDLC() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 120
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.DoInitStuff() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 1842
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 218
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] Error: File "Hunting in Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_DS_Hunterborn (1E003367)]._ds_hb_main.PrepForDLC() - "_DS_HB_MAIN.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.DoInitStuff() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 1842
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "_DS_HB_MCM.psc" Line 218
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)]._DS_HB_MCM.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (2F014836)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] >>=======> Hunterborn compatibility checks are complete.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:10AM] [_DS_HB_MCM <_DS_HunterbornMCM (1E001D89)>]: Registered Hunterborn at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Campfire is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot call GetFormID() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 49
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 49
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 50
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Registered Campfire Skill System mod: Campfire.esm
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Loaded: SkyUI.esp
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:54AM] [Campfire] Loaded: HearthFires.esm
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] [Campfire] Campfire compatibility check complete.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot access an element of a None array
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 44
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp57"
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp57"
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp57"
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 292
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 296
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 296
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 296
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 298
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 298
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000E94CC)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.InitGear() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 298
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.onBeginState() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 92
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000E94CC)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnEffectStart() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 72
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:55AM] Error: File "TrueStorms.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_SPLQuest (79000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 98
[_SPLQuest (79000D65)]._splquestscript.OnInit() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 186
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scanning for supported plugins...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 124
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 125
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 126
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 128
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 129
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "CompanionArissa.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 130
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] Error: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 131
[CH (3F020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scan complete.
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Stats Menu - Version 1 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Stats Menu - Version 2 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Stats Menu - Version 3 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Sleep/Wait Menu - Version 1 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Console Menu - Version 1 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:56AM] ===== Extended UI: Console Menu - Version 2 =====
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_axeeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 848
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_dageqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 789
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: (000E94CC): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000E94CC)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 710
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] VM is freezing...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:57AM] VM is frozen
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Saving game...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] VM is thawing...
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000E94CC): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000E94CC)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_shout of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1308
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000E94CC): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_shout of type int, returning 0.
[ (000E94CC)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1308
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_shout of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1308
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:58:58AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1310
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 255
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (000E94CC)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 222
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM]
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM]
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 415
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 475
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 417
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 475
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 419
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 475
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "Cloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 427
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 489
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "Cloaks - No Imperial.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 429
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 489
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "Cloaks - Player Only.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 431
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 489
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "WetandCold - Holidays.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 557
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 569
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "iNeed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 590
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "getSnowy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 595
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] Error: File "EFFCore.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 619
[_WetQuest (23000D63)]._wetquestscript.OnInit() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 691
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] [sSAssistMCMMenuScript <SSAssistMCMMenuScript (22005E32)>]: Registered Screenshot Assist at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (29000820)>]: Registered SKY UI at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (2B005E3D)>]: Registered Immersive HUD at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (2F014836)>]: Registered $Immersive Armors at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:00AM] [CHConfigQuestScript <CHConfig (3F14921A)>]: Registered Convenient Horses at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:01AM]
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:01AM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:01AM]
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:07AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:59AM] VM is freezing...
[01/06/2020 - 07:59:59AM] VM is frozen
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:00AM] Saving game...
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:00AM] VM is thawing...
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:00AM] Error: File "Open Cities Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALRumorsOfWarQuest (5207A334)].arth_lal_rumorsofwarscript.ToggleOCSGateTrigger() - "ARTH_LAL_RumorsOfWarScript.psc" Line 81
[ARTHLALRumorsOfWarQuest (5207A334)].ARTH_QF_LALRumorsOfWarQuest_0207A334.Fragment_96() - "ARTH_QF_LALRumorsOfWarQuest_0207A334.psc" Line 1226
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:01AM] Info: *Achievement 1 awarded - a winnar is you!*
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Initializing ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Installing VC ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: New User. Version is 1.000000 ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ footprintsQuest - Adding Cloak Ability ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: SkyUI Installed ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: Installing SkyUI MCM ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:07AM] [footprintsConfigMenu <footprintsSkyUIConfig (25080094)>] INITIALIZED
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:19AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:22AM] [footprintsConfigMenu <footprintsSkyUIConfig (25080094)>]: Registered Footprints at MCM.
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 385
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp64"
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 427
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 428
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 432
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:27AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:29AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:29AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_dageqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 789
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 241
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 241
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:30AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:32AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:32AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 385
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp64"
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 427
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 428
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 432
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:33AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F1)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_dageqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 789
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_axeeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 848
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 860
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 391
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp64"
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 391
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 395
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 397
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 416
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: (000590F1): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F1)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:36AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F1)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:37AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (000590F0)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 710
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 722
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_dageqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 789
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:39AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 794
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:40AM] Error: (000590F0): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_sprint of type int, returning 0.
[ (000590F0)].defaultGhostScript.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1622
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1628
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1259
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:40AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:40AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1652
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:40AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:00:40AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 69
<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 238
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1553
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1261
[Active effect 4 on (000590F0)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:13AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectUnequipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:13AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectUnequipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:14AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 391
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:14AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp64"
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 391
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:14AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 395
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:14AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 397
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectUnequipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot call Find() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp64"
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 423
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 427
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot call GetAt() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 428
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 432
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectUnequipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:17AM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipWeapon() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 385
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:19AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:19AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:25AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:25AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:01:41AM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item
[ (00000014)].Actor.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 5 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnAnimationEvent() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:02:31AM] Error: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[01/06/2020 - 08:02:31AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 226
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 564
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?



My PC specs:


AMD Ryzen 2600X

Gigabyte Aorus Radeon 580

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